Friday, May 28, 2010


"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love." - Neil Gaiman-

I cannot but agree more.

Yes i've been in love. Yes, its horrible and torturous. It does make you vulnerable in a way that it lets your guard down, you actually gave the person more permit into your privacy in any sorts. It does mess your feelings up a lot, like i said, because you let your guard down, your armor down, and you literally pour your feeling out for the person. That is usually the case, you give them one piece of you, hoping for the slightest hint for any sorts of respond and you usually get hyped up even by their simplest action. The part on "they did something dumb one day" and "your life isn't your own anymore", that i had to agree. You just lost it, because thats when you fall in love.

Thats right people, you dont       STEP     into love. You      FALL     into love.

But as time flies you'd realized all of them are nothing but illusions, and its the constant denial of the fact and the neverending lies telling yourself that the person actually cared for you. You then actually would be afraid to approach the person, and you'll hold every muscle back with so so so much reluctance. With love comes hatred and bitterness, with no love comes no hate or bitterness because, as simple as it is, why would you care for a stranger that you dont know? ( Dont argue on that pls, just take it as it is =P ) Then you would spend the rest of your days just around the person, and with the constant thought that "it'll never work out" or "maybe being friends is the happy ending", and end of the day, it boils down to one fact - you're heartbroken....again perhaps.

Bitter isnt it? yes you'd hate love, but you'd never hate love again if the cycle stucks midway forever.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hmm, i guess a picture paints a thousand words.
Thats my dad (right), with Hong Kong actor Simon Yap (where else, on the left DUH), ambassador of Canon. I still wondered how he managed to secure a place to the dinner only months securing dealership with Canon.
HEY NIKON, about time you guys do something?! =D
Enough said =P. On a sidenote, the way my dad run his business is quite astounding. I mean they've ( my parents ) came a long way since the first day J One Camera run its business. On some occasions when my dad mention about how stuff runs in the business department, it really left me very much enlightened, theyre things that most people would not have thought off. I actually take a lot of pride in my dad's intelligence tho in the business department, does make a lot of ppl in the same field looking newbish...i guess lol.
P.S. i'm just saying "i guess" to display a small extend of modesty, in actuallity, i somewhat cant be bothered...I GUESS. =D

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


You know its akward when :-
#1 You're talking to your formal lecturer, through facebook message
#2 He requested your permission
#3 Over the usage of one of your most crappy videos ever uploaded
#4 Along with all the emoticon face in the message like " :) " or "T.T"
But oh wells, hes young. Like i guess mid or late 20s? Guess the generation gap is just too small haha.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chinese Oldies

Listening to chinese oldies that i've downloaded, spur of a moment thing. 蔡琴的《三年》,超有味道的一首歌。Mom's pick by the way.
Me: Not bad of a song.
Mom: People in the older days, very emotional and narrow minded sometimes, they just cant see through things and get over it.
Me: hmm............................
Just a little conversation which i find pretty interesting. Damnit for the player in my blog, if not i wouldve uploaded it. Its a pretty good song really.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fish & Co

Finally taken the time to take snapshots of my fish, dont complain about the clarity of the pictures because i was using potrait 50mm lens and its hard to lock focus of a fish continuously moving front and backwards and messes the focus up a lot. I did not wish to make my ISO too high tho, already at 1k to compensate for the fast shutter fish because they just cant stay still lol.
^ The twin goldfish. the front one was handpicked by me, and the back one with a longer and whiter tail was dumb enough to get into the net as well, found it quite a beautiful one. 1 stone hitting 2 "fish" in this case.
^ The twin Bala sharks. One of my many favourite fish around. Although named sharks theyre the second gentlest after the goldfishes. And theyre fast...very fast.
^ The newest addition into the aquarium, and theyre in a pair. Called the Tin Foiled Bard, two kinds of such. Later i'll showcase the other species which is apparently the alpha male of the aquarium....untill the addition of these two because their size were almost similar. Top dorsal fin is tainted in black, and orange fin for the rest.
^ Urgh. Tiger barbs. There are 4 kinds and i used to have all 4 kinds of them, later to diminish due to the infection. One is the typical tiger strips, then the left one with orange and slight white stripes, then another is the green one and the last one called as "Black Dress" in cantonese.
^ The best shot i had. Or more like i've forgotten take a nice snapshot of this one. This i called him the "Survivor". You've got no idea what this one's been through. Its the third goldfish in the tank, and is much relatively smaller than the other two. Way before this batch of fish, it used to be just an arowana and just that one lone fish in the entire aquarium. THIS LITTLE FELLA was the food by then for the arowana! The arowana died before it could eat this little fella and this fella, and despite its size, it survived all the various infection outbreak the best.
^ This, the Alpha Male of my tank. Just happen to catch it while its making a turn. Look at that dorsal fin, beauty.
Thats it folks!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spirited Away

Spirited Away. The one movie i recalled watching, and just did again because the movie is just so meaningful.
I dont know, it actually got me thinking about all the things going around me etc. And actually, i'm not sure about a lot of things anymore.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is bad!

Something is really wrong.
When you despise...
When you resist...
 Durian Bombs
When you deny...

You cant seem to get enough...

Fruits - Vegetables - Yougurts - Green Tea.

This is bad? Lol it seems that i care more about what goes down my gut more than what gets to my taste buds.            


Friday, May 7, 2010

My mistake, your burden.

To all the fishes i've killed due to my mistake which cost a good 6+ lives. My dear brown tiger barb, green tiger barb which i treasure dearly ever since the addition of you guys into the aquarium. My two other tin foiled barb which both their left eyes were infected and now forever gone. Near two decades of fish breeding experience still not sufficient enough to save the all of you from the widespread of the resillient infection. I'm glad tho, the alpha male of my aquarium still lives, hes ever so big and strong to me. I guess imma gonna have to let go of the two fellas, its a pain tho.
Reminds me of the last of the bunch of fishes before the Arowana days. I single handedly raised some 4+ of them for nearly 3 years. One tin foil barb was SO huge particularly...only to have them all died to diseases. Sucks. I missed them.
Fish can be as dearly as other pets like dogs and cats too, you know.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Entering Hibernation

As of now, May 5th 2010, 11:35pm. I am sitting in front of my computer, with piles of Thermodynamics tutorial in front of me, completely
x_x BRAIN DEAD x_x
This is the many instances i really felt disgusted with study, and another look at my textbook/tutorial or any revision done will get me puked. Its not like i've taken enough breaks already, but seriously if you'd ask me to look at the fuckin steam tables again, i'll slit my own damn throat open.

 ( hmm i just looked at the steam table again... )

Dont bother enlarging the image, i just randomly picked it from a google image. Chose the one that resembles the steam tables im referring to all the time. Its just numbers and numbers and all of them in 4+ decimal places. Thank godness I was prepared for this when i picked Chemical Engineering. It was always between Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. Chemistry would mean Science Faculty to me. Hell, thank god i did not take chemistry. It is one of my many hated subjects now, and mind you it was my favourite subject. I'd prefer subjects like Thermodynamics anytime. Guess i was lucky to find my niche course.

Somehow i got asked a lot recently by people, like arent we stressed out due to the neverending assignments/test etc, for chemical eng particularly. I dont know really, i would usually whine about it. Somehow theres just this voice telling me everything will turn out just fine these days. Two assignments due next week? No worries, it'll be sorted out eventually.

Like come to think about it, theres really nothing much to worry about, because everytime you think you're heading for a fall, you almost turned out ok all the time. Really, think about how many times you ACTUALLY failed at something. No matter how dark the night is, morning always come. Then when you've recovered you'd probably think that you were dumb to even worry about it right? But then again, you commit the mistake of being neurotic when you come face to face with another crisis. So let me tell you here, the next time you're in a dire situation, think of how you've almost always recover from a crisis, have faith and carry on. And remember, the moment you tell yourselve "I cant make it", i can tell you that you're already halfway near failure already. Maybe you've survived yet again like what i've mentioned earlier, but i'm telling you this attitude wont bring you far. Confidence is the key to success...mostly =D.

........The reason why im still awake is actually i've just eaten a heavy supper, and i've taken naps in the afternoon already. I know tomorrow will turn out to be a disaster of i sleep early. So i'm just hanging out a little later untill my fatigue starts kicking in and thats the best time to sleep.

Oh and i've bought a new monitor because the previous one just sorta...died on me. Samsung B2030 20-inch widescreen. I know i know 22inch is prob the best looking dimension but oh wells, its a want not a need. Moreover when im headed for Aus with a laptop, no one else in the house would appreciate the monitor as much as i did. know. Watched Transformer II : Revenge of the Fallen with 1080p quality ( weighed a good 10.9GB for one movie, beat that! ) the moment i plugged in the monitor. was plain awesome! Working on a 1080p Avatar download now haha.



I think i should just head to bed -.- CANDY DREAMS!