Monday, August 30, 2010

Apology's aint free ya know

Simply put it,
I'll never apologize to someone who'd think whose fault is entirely on the other party and none on their part.
I dont recall myself doing that for a long while, and i usually admit at least a mistake on my part whenever someone apologize to make the situation less akward. Unless they attempt to pull off reverse psychology by attempting to do a sarcastic "sorry" and try to put the sympathy on them. Please, reverse psychology dont work on people like me. I know your damn cheap tricks. So again, if you're unwilling to compromise and reflect on whatever happened like i did, sit right there and expect a full apology from me... aint gonna happen.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Show me your tooth!

Today, is a day that i cannot afford to miss noting everything down and making an entry, because theres just so much epicness, as seen with the awesome EPIC PURPLE colour font i used today. Actually its a little hard to read aint it?
Start of this morning. The very instance i woke up, its different already. I actually woke up before 6am, by my own, before the Morning Quran Call begins and before my phone's alarm went off (yes i am resorted to using phone for alarm sigh ). The alarm and the MorningQuranCall finally went off and i proceed with my usual morning clean-ups. Seriously, no one wakes you up better than Malaysia's local 6am MorningQuranCall. Breakfast, and left my house. Got honked by a car when i was in front of a round-about on the road, waiting for my turn to get out. Seriously, how about you try showing me how to move out in the midst of all the cars? Weird shit.
Went to lecture, had the same typical convo, more like getting spammed at for the entire lecture. Who calls you "NOOB" and spams you that 30 times for a one hour period lecture? That has got to be none other than my old old friend, and her boyfriend which actually used some gel for his hair this morning. Weird much. Not to mention khai hong wore a shirt that i've never seen before. By then its already started working its way down the core of my brain - that today will be different.
Went to swim afterwards, and wore that dreadful swimming cap because i love my hair too much, not because i want to increase my aquadynamic. Saw another chinese guy, which im guessing is a chinese ( like china chinese ) came down swimming. He sure has some ManBoobs, muscular one thankfully for him. Noticed that because we were actually on the topic of ManBoobs during our lecture earlier, and i was told that the cause of it are chicken because of the hormone injections and being warned about it and my great liking towards fried chicken fast foods like Poppeyes. I dont have ManBoobs you idiots. grr. Went down to shower, and when i was leaving the chinese dude is already done swimming. What? Wasnt that like just a good 10min only? Weird much.
Made my way to Damansara since i've made an appointment for my tooth consultation by my noob friend. Not to mention, off 3 public parking ticket machine, 1 did not respond, 1 ate my money and only 1 worked. Geez. The dentist kept doubting my abilities to make sound decisions as an adult myself and kept asking me to refer to my parents again and have them to accompany me the next time. "Dental medical treatments are expensive, we are no ordinary doctors". Hell i know that gosh! Before anything, let me drop the scan of the x-ray for easier reference.
Now, R is right. L is left. ( duh ). Let me draw your attention to the bottom left of the PICTURE, see that wisdom tooth? What a silly wisdom tooth. Seriously, do you have to grow that way? That is one. Another is the last tooth, which is also a wisdom tooth ( more commonly referred as 3rd Molar Tooth by dentists) at the top left of the PICTURE. Its actually decayed. The fragment of my tooth that broke off months ago i mentioned? That sudden spike of pain? Its actually because it has already decayed my tooth thats why it could fell off. So, to quote my dentist, he said "its waiting to be removed" in addition to that oddly grown tooth. The best part comes in now. So i asked him ( I actually asked a shit tons of things, like seriously A LOT ) about the removal of the wisdom tooth which he referred to it as surgery repeatedly earlier which i dont get it,
Dentist "If you are going to remove both tooth (at once), you will have to be sedated"
Me "Sedated? Wouldnt ordinary...injection work?"
Dentist "Local anesthetic? Yes, but if you're removing two at once you will have to be put out"
Me "Put out as in...faint?"
Dentist "Yes"
WHAT! You have got to be kidding me. Is the surgery THAT big? It is no wonder he mentioned the "surgery" would cost in the range of 800 or so which i was very stunned to hear that. Oh wells, after much discussion and reassurance its fine for me to pay for the various treatments today, i went ahead with a X-Ray scan of my tooh which cost a RM100 and i got a copy of the pic, and also a scaling for my tooth. Well apparently there are persistent dirts behind my tooth. That scaling was torturous. Thanks to that, a lot of shits were removed. Yeah, shits. Made another appointment with a day which my parents could accompany me so they could be briefed further about the complications and details of the surgery, and went looking for lunch.
My awesome pork noodle stall did not open, which left me a little saddened. Went to hair salon later and i actually sat down, told my hair dresser that i want to thin my hair down, and when she asked me again i actually told her "i actually have no idea what to do with my hair" lol. Well i insisted on her just thinning and tidying my hair up, which turned out pretty good. Went for another noodles commonly known as 三间庄 for lunch. Bought CharSiewPuff next door before heading home, imma going to have it for teatime after this.
On the way back, when i was at the road junction waiting for the cars to clear, three school girls, yes i mean literally schoolgirls in their bags their school uniform their ponytails, stared at my car and me with a very weird expression. I really felt like winding my window down and asked them whats wrong, because just a second earlier i heard weird noises and was planning to pull my car to the side after i got off this junction. Hey silly girls, at least wave at me and draw my attention and point at my tyre or something. Well i thought my tyre air ran out again ( which on some 2 weeks ago it got punctured by a nail ). And when i put my signal on and pull off to the side of the road, i actually got quite a lot of aunties' gaze whom are waiting for their children in front of the school.
CHEY! Its only a huge piece of styrofoam stucked to my tyre and made that weird noise. Again, why cant those silly schoolgirls draw my attention to it rather than just staring at my car. Silly.
Took a nap and here i am! Long entry, my arm sure is tired haha but im pretty sure today's event require some good documentation. Furthermore, WindowsLive, if you dare delete this blog, i'll hunt you to the end of the world since i have archives of blog entries since the year of 2006 and im not ready to lose any of those. Alright laters fellas!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wishing Well

Saw something the other, it was actually Kuroshio Sea Aquarium. It was the second largest aquarium int he world.
So my wishlist is now,
1' To spectate Great White Sharks behind cages OR Swim alongside with a whale shark / whale ( i'd prefer whale shark because other whales gives me the impression that they'll swallow me whole O_O ) in the open ocean
2' To visit to Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta / Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan / The aquarium in Dubai Mall.
Either of that. I really love aquariums. And really, i would be very much satisfied for the rest of my life if i get to do, especially the first one, and i would never give that dream up no matter how old i am. I will, and i know i'll never give that dream up because its something i've been having since childhood days and its still strong as it used to be.

Friday, August 20, 2010



I just love this song. From Glee, Kristine Chenoweth - Home.



Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Warning! The security of this site has been compromise, unauthorized personnel inbound.
Initiating Security Protocol 54-1B.
Accessing administrative control.
Overiding system.
Transferring additional 42.17% memory to encrypting system firewall.
Warning, arrival of unauthorized personnel is imminent...
Hi there, please read the caption at the top of this blog, and proceed reading at your own risk. Actually, i just found out that this blog is not that secretive as i would think. Well its not really a private blog to begin with, its just that i never knew that everytime i post an entry, windows live will reveal an update about a new entry on my msn. A.K.A, broadcasting my new entry. NO! Its not meant to be like that! So i THINK i've changed the settings, and let me find out after this entry.
Anyways, the download for Starcraft II's collector edition's content is slow as hell. Oh wells, its 6GB+ to begin with. This blows. Especially when you have another friend downloading it with 1.4MBps.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Been a while

So its been a while since i last entered an entry, today particularly is a good day to do so because today is just special - in both pleasant and a shit way.
Woke up this morning, finished my tutorial, and then played the entire afternoon untill lunch time, and resumed playing my Starcraft II. Packed my fish and released them at Desa Park City.
Yes, i packed all my 9 fishes and let them loose in the huge lake. I'm pretty its a environment for the habitat of a fish, because theres just so many others around. The primary reason for this is that i've grown tired of the endless invasion of diseases, although i managed to rescue the all of them for the most part, but i'm just....tired already. I'd watch them go free in the huge pond where they could definitely strive, rather than watching them die under my care. Upon releasing them, there was a huge mix of feelings, and no particular feeling is dominant enough for me to identify it out. Thats it. Farewell.
Came back and went jogging, a new activity i added to my exercize routine. So rather than just swimming once a week on Tuesdays, i go jogging on Saturdays. Came back, showered and played Stacraft 2 again. Lost 8 games and won only two, although i'm still in the platinum league, but that sure doesnt feel good.
Went packing McDonalds ( Yes, i exercise because i could eat more junk food =P ), was planning to take away, and realised McD is in the Shell Petrol Station as well. So i went into the station's indoor counter and paid for the fuel, topped the fuel tank up, parked at the side, and decided to have McD right there in the restaurant. Counter lady misheard and took the wrong order, and i had to correct her and have her return my money.
I feel dumb. Like seriously, dumb.
Well, got my spriti's on the low tide now. Sigh.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Slim Chance

Thinking of a slim down? Cant find a better solution? Wait no further! Come Malaria-Next-to-France Bodyline slimming centre now!

Seriously? A slimming centre?

Fine, for one part i've never been FAT before, i've been skinny for my entire life, but for those who are obese, is slimming centre your FINAL RESORT? Or its just upright your first choice because you're just...lazy to put in effort?

Yes, some people have a problem slimming down due to their metabolism rate etc, yeah i feel for ya. However for those who arent in such a dire case, seeking slimming centres to cut down on your weight aint the solution. I dont know whats exactly happening inside, if theyre managers who give you workout timetables etc then its fine. If theyre those that, i dont know, wrap yourself up in plastics and undergo all sort of funny treatment, it aint good.

You should know this upfront as well - everything takes effort. You'd think those models get their bodies so easily? Its probably hardwork and tons of strict discipline. You'd think i could be less skinnier now? I've swam and workout for 3 years+. You dont just walk into a slimming centre for two months and hope to get slim down, congrats if you eventually did, but i'm telling ya, your diet will put on weight to you.

Why pay more? Seriously. You couldve just start with your diet. To quote one of my friend, once her doctor told her such things "begins from the minute details". Start with the small things, work with them. Stay standing for half an hour after a meal, excersize regularly, use the damn stairs, eat healthy foods. etc.

Enough talk with fats. Just got into this because i've just received a magazine of advertisements for my housing area, and a significant amount of them are related to slimming centres.


Yes baby. After 12 years of developement and 3 years of wait on my part, i've FINALLY gotten it. It released on 27th July 1200pm. So they told me its 1030am, and so i did go to the shop at 1000am along with two other friends. Apparently the ambassador company of Blizzard in Malaysia imposed a strict lawsuit against any violaters that release this game earlier than the time mentioned above. So turns out its 1200pm, and so there i was waiting. Another 2 friends of a secondary network of friends came right after and the 5 of us actually stood there for a good 30minutes+ waiting for the release of the game.

Yes the wait obviously ended and i got home and got it installed. Hell, its a good game. Apart from the usual maps after another for the campaign, this one actually allows you to move around in your battlecruiser and intereract with people. etc etc etc. Theres just so much awesomeness in this game. Pop me a message if you're a Starcraft 2 player. =)

Just came back from pasar malam for dinner, i know, its random. I've still got my mathematics assignment to do. Its considered done, but strictly speaking its still undone because i've havent attained the exact answers yet, but i've got the method / workings out already. Lazy me, got too distracted by my awesome new game. Oh did i also mention its due tomorrow? haha but i'm confident i could get it done in a very good manner.