life's pretty much the same.
I went Mt Buller on the weekend with couple of my friends, and I finally managed to pull a skiing trip off. To be exact, we didn't ski in the end, we took up snowboarding instead. Boy, that was fun. Mount Buller really have some really nice long slopes for snow sports, and it was very exhilarating to snowboard at high speed. Provided the speed could last more than a minute, that'd be awesome. However I still managed to have a lot of fun and thrill nonetheless.
Yesterday, Normanby House had an event. Its the party bus! Basically we boarded a bus with a dance floor and traveled down to the city and visited a bar, a club and a phail club/bar/pub which is the last place we've visited before heading back. Perhaps we were tired, and perhaps the place just blows. Had my first Tequila Shot. Interesting much, taking that pinch of salt, downing that shot and then biting into a lemon.
To be honest, both Mount Buller and Party Bus made me feel more like a foreigner, in a good way. Like seriously, Melbourne city is infested with asians, makes you really wondered where did all the Caucasians go. In Mt Buller, when we were having meals whatsoever we always seemed to be the ONLY bunch of asians around. Party Bus too were saturated with primarily Caucasians. Make no mistake I'm not complaining, its more like a "Australia, now that's what I'm talking about".
Going off to a friend's house for potluck later. There's going to be around 15 of us. Talked to a friend of mines about this recently, like how fortunate I am thus far. Most of the things I've always wanted to do when I grow up were checked in my bucket list. Imagined myself going road trips, imagined myself drinking beer in a friend's house during winter etc. I hardly say this out loud, but here it is - Thank you God.
...although there's still some issues here and there still left unresolved. Atop of everything wonderful happening, some issues still bore me down to my knees and left me really helpless. At least I still have what I call a "normal life" on the majority part of my life to keep those silent cries shut, and get a hang of myself. As much as I would want some things to change, some facts still remained the same. I did get some answers, but as much as a optimist and a problem-solver I am, I still wind up in the crossroad now, and questioned
What now?