And it struck me even harder this time.
That knowledge belittles us, and how sickening the society is to me.
People stopped seeking the full truth, they've based their facts off some scraps shared on whatsapp, no basis, no reference, no facts.
People abused the knowledge, isnt it suppose to make us more humble?
They're always so caught up with materialism. Money, and money.
What happened to the hunger of wanting to know more, the excitement of not knowing something, and the satisfaction when you've uncovered something new?
It's a rare scene for people to actually mouth the words "I don't know, but can you teach me?".
It either silence altogether, and if it ever did advance past "I don't know", it stops at denial, excuses, and a abandonment of responsibility.
I'm an engineer myself, and I didn't play with Lego or Lasy at a younger age for no reason, and I surely did not made up my mind when I was 16 or 17 to be an engineer on a whim.
Pity on those who laughed at me for actually admitting I'd like the hard engineering work. You have no passion, and that's why you lack a core self-sustaining soul nourishing tonic, which leads to your hunger to possess things. THINGs that you've so blatantly used and monstrously lie to yourself that it actually matters. Bring it to your sleep each night, bring it to your deathbed, and see how it would pan out at the last moment before you flick the switch to your life.
There's so much more it is to the matter around us, and yet we dwell in the politics and religions, and behind that veil, lies money, the master puppeteer.
I'm not ignorant, I'm just selective in the knowledge I'd like to gain.
I'm not an ingrate to the silver spoon I'm born with, I'm just disgusted in what it made people to be.
I'm not an anti-social, I'm just more capable of sustaining all that there is to my being by myself, understanding that them approvals has nothing to do with me, and for me to live a life without regrets, and I've always managed to - the decisions must come from myself.