The owner of this would like to express his sincerest apologies to all viewer of this web, this is due to a his personal disatisfaction towards and wished that fellow audiences will stay tune with and your patience is most appreciated.
Below is a sketch of upcoming plan on what is going to take place :-
1) This laptop, NEC E6000X series will be sent in for repair as many unfortunate events had taken place and the computer's casing has been severely damaged. e.g. The elevator at the back / rubber-stopper had dropped off
2) Due to the owner's atrocities, he had previously left the entire laptop vulnerable to all sorts of ad-ware and spy-ware by turning off the entire system's firewall. He will attempt to format his whole laptop and this will last as long as the time taken for the Earth to rotate 1 round.
3) This blog will be moved to if poosible and this will take a painful ice age to moved it over and in addition to the stress on moving it, the new blog will only be finished designed and equipped with appropriate "cool" template after the Sun had finished burning all its hydrogen.
4) However, this is addressing to the dumb owner's wise mom that no worries this will all take place after the torturous Preliminary Examination by your son which is in the Homosapien group. Futhermore, he would also like to mention that this laptop will be sent in for repair during his preliminary examination period thus posing no threat to his studies and will another factor of distractions to his studies will be eliminated.
This message is generated by a computerized system a.k.a Ester-C ( Extremely Stupifying Telecomunication Encrypted Ray - Chew ). Should you have any enquries, do refer to the owner for more information. Contacts are as followed...
*system beeping*
*system terminated*
( this is way to exagerrating..but jzu sth la...enjoy!! lolz...)
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