Ok heres another coverage on all the subjects I sat for GCE "O" Level....n all the happenings....however it'll only cover written papers due to my memory lost....and uh...they're in order
Higher Chinese PI & PII - as i mentioned be4..11i couldnt care much bout HCL here due to its numerous atrocities...." can do but cannot score " somehow tis explains everything
Literature Elective - err....dammit lo..fren spotted correctly but i missed out...so so done lo...not 2 mention the fun part's when late evening 2 frens n me went n burn the books....of which the video is in my friendster profile....i even sent the link 2 my Lit teacher n here is her reply
"Thank you for a most entertaining 8 minutes or so. But I must say most of the quotes you have selected are very appropriate and reflects a truly great understanding of the text. Well-done gentlemen. Although I'm sure lots of book-lovers around the world will curse you for burning a book, whatever it is.
Anyway, have a great holiday after your 'O's."
I LOL'ed.....
E Maths PI - I am super-nervous!! kinda la...not 2 mention the day be4 tat i had a very bad schedule for my sleeping times...slept some 5 hours in the day...in the end insomia untill 4am++....luckily got my chicken essence!! then went in...omg...the paper was SO HARD untill upon finishing the paper i was LAUGHING HARD about the paper...oh my surely we're poisoned by all those crazy hard mind-twisting prelim papers...O lvl IS NOT HARD AT ALL!! crazy teachers 4 making us worry....but of course I've learned from my past mistakes be...dont let complesancy be your downfall!!
Social Studies - i prayed so hard...yes n im DAMN WORRIED....cuz i couldnt flunk my combined humanities simply becuz my geog sucks n i depend solely on my combind humanities to gif me a gd grade as 1 humanities is required in L1R5....it would b hard cuz theres juz simply TOO many things 2 study n its impoosible 4 me 2 memorize em all...so praying for the easiest topic of all " Merger & Separation " 2 come out....when i went in....n check the paper.....MERGER AND SEPARATION!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR MAKING THIS MIRACLE!!!!!
English PI & II - paper 1 nth much la...except for be4 i went in Ms Chew was there reminding every1 about what they need 2 look out for la...wat 2 do la...n things 2 ensure tat A1 la....nice teacher....i'd say...dedicated? she's the ONLY eng teacher tat came n advice on every1 lo...even me...the moment she saw me like " u noe ur writing cannot..." this n tat n be4 i went in she stood just BESIDE the door and like every1 she knew she like " remember ya..." n this n tat....hehez not bad mah...gd teacher....n during paper 2...i accidentally dropped my ICs to the floor some 1/2 metre away....got n invigilator all the way here n then just " sorry I dropped by ICs can u help me pick up?" LOL hes damn jacked la....damn bad of me oso.....go n poke fun of ppl.....overall PI n PII i'd say im confident...it was very carefully done and all that i've learned r put to use...all those fluency la...bombastic words la...improved expressions la...so PI PII PII (oral exam) all well done...what d'ya think i can get for Eng? wished for n A2...B3 i'll jump in exceitement alrdy lo...wat more bout A2
Biology PI & PII - MCQ 1st la...i saw this question on " whats the cause for rickets" n i IMMEDIATELY noe its lack of vitamin D n iron...but then hor during double checking i doubted it n changed to "iron and vitamin C"...obviously was soooo dissapointed by it la....of which i fren laughed " vitamin C's for ur damn face la!!" sigh....paper 2 section A wasnt tat well done cuz its ALWAYS on application n the question always vary.....however thx 2 Section B ask things like "wats the use of placenta" n many more kinda mugger-like-it-all questions....vomit all the craps out....so far no question left me without knowing WHAT to write AT ALL.....so overall SHOULD b ok...somehow i got a feeling that its not gona b gd...
Geography PII - I was so tired then....n hungry....n i knew even i mugged geog like crazy ( I SWEAR!!) i still wont do very well though...prayed 4 a miracle though lol....ok heres how the question goes....10 question...5 on human geog 5 on physical geog....of which at least 1 question muz b done from both human n phy geog....n we do a total of 4 questions....so the only way to score is mug phy geog like crazy....
ok here comes the pain....i was VERY sure Coastal...Rivers and Weathering ( weathering alone n wif the combination of other chapters like maybe climate 2gather in 1 question)....so i mugged the 3 of em so HARD.....cuz river is a VERY BIG topic...trust me all teachers will say so...as well as all students....its the biggest chapter....in fact....so draggin my all tired ( somehow its the aftermath effects of chicken essence ) body in2 the exam hall...opened the paper...
Not a single question on Rivers...Coastal of which 4 of out 6 sub questions are ALL on sand-dunes....of which the coastal feature i partially thought its not in syllabus n barely even glance through it.....if u see it this way....a guarantee of 50% of my paper all gone....i was very badly struck n it was a major setback to my morale....very bad....i DID thought it was the end.....
somehow miracles happen....(YEA IN A BAD WAY!!)...but it does happen...i recalled juz be4 the paper i fren asked me on the 5 layers of a tropical forest..."aiya wont come up 1 la!!" i commented but he insisted me in looking 4 the answer...so told him " from top emergent...canopy...understorey...shrub....n ground lvl " after some deep thought of it....n guess wat? a big chunk of forest question came out in the paper n they asked " describe the structure and characteristic of tropical rainforests".....oh my....n then thk god at the last minute i did last question i was able 2 vomit out all the formation of tropical storms ( AT LEAST HALF A PAGE!! thank god...) n "effects of drought"...which covers 70% of the question....phew....
but to GCE O LVL....i am REALLY disappointed 2wards u....i couldnt care much bout geog now anymore n i SWEAR i would never go for geog....of all the hard works i memorized the 2 thumb-thick marianne cheong geog txt bk u gave me this shit for O lvl? seriously...i am VERY VERY disappointed of what juz happned....its the part wher really LOTS n LOTS of hard works put in all gone to waste...u noe how many times i mug for all coastal? more than 5 times!!! how many times for rivers...MORE THAN 6 TIMES ALSO!! weathering? AT LEAST 4 TIMES!!! n u treat me like this? there r few times rly the OUTMOST concentration was put in....i am really devastated....really....I HATE YOU GEOGRAPHY!!! u wasted all my precious time on the rest pof my subjects n RLY u juz gave me that shit just like that?? FUCK U LA!!! i would've have used those times on my physics especially on some 100% A1 studyin....n a 300% A1 practising of e math.....SCREW U!! U INSOLENT *wateva* OF A BITCH!!!! FUCK U FUCKING FUCKED FUCKER!! IM GONA DIP UR CHITO ASS INTO SOME SALSA N I WISH UR DAMN ASS OUT THERE CANT EVEN FART N U JUST DIE OF THE FUCKING PAIN SHIT IN UR ASS N U HAF 2 VOMIT IT OUT!! whoops who m i refering to? no one i think...ala juz treat geog as a person la....IM GONA STAB U WIF A SALT COATED DAGGER RIGHT THROUGH UR SPINE U HEAR ME???!!! IM GONA COLLECT UR BLOOD N POUR IT ALL OVER UR DAMN FUCKING (geog) FACE!!!
E Math PII - THE TIDE HAS CHANGE!! e math totally owned by me....100% all noe how 2 do..even upon double checking n doing a reverse working on all the sums 2 double check the answer all correct oso....WOO HAH!! sumore got 1 trick on the angle properties....it was so lucky ( miracles do happen....) that my teacher gave me this paper 2 do for a while....got 1 Q i duno how 1 do...only 2 realize that the angle is slight diffrent cuz the value is minus n i should use 180 n minus it away...n then in the paper got this question on this trick...luckily i was able to spot it lo LOL.....wah i feel so gd now lol
A Math PI - ok...i totally channeled 80% of my time on2 Phy n chemistry....cuz i noe a math...is...HOPELESS...n guess wat? however i woke up 11 am this morning...went 2 scxh eat lunch n start mugging from 12pm....all the way till 1.30pm then i go 2 the audi 4 the paper....cna do 80%...yes when i mean CAN DO it includes all the doubts i haf in the working n so on....ne ways...its not a tough paper....i think B3? or lower i dont know...i rly fed-up wif it alrdy....come wat may....come rain or shine....so be it....
Physics PI & PII - seriously i typed 1 juz now but encountered a problem so retypin now.....O lvl.....ur such a cheapo ya noe? I did some 6-7 poast O lvl paper like mad n what u gave us? some easy shit....SOOO many on definitions.....seriously....for you teachers reading out there....you haf a blame to carry also...U SHIFTED ALL OUR FOCUS YA NOE?! maybe not the other but definetly mines!! its such a deifinition-based paper....imagine ur 1 ppl who studied like mad n did all the high-end + tough questionds that could poosibly appear....n then what came out benefits some noobs out there who just simply flip through those pages n memorize few definitions....seriously...YOU'RE A WASTE OF MY LIFE!! i studied so hard.....n then this sorta disheartening shit came out....plus teacher's ( BIG THANKS YA!! ) off-focusing idealogies....u totally screwed my A1.....u screwed it all!! I MUDDEG N STUDIED PHYSICS LIKE MAD OK???!!! U SCREWED MY FUTURE!!!! THAT 1 or 2 points in L1R5 could affect a lot n you just PLAY AROUND WITH IT LIKE WE'RE SOME TOYS??!! THIS SI MADNESS??! I DUN GET WHY EARTH GOT SUCH ATROCITIES EXISTING!!! THIS IS BEYOND WORDS!!! n trust me....i've refrained all the vuldgarities...LOTS OF EM I SWEAR IN YOU GOD'S NAME!!!
Geography PI - MCQ....1h15min.....started at 4.30pm....seriously.....i have (and again SERIOSULY) nevert felt so worn out and both mentally n physically exhausted....the aftermath of the destruction had upon me ( big thanks to physics ) really left me in a....i duno...zombie-like robot or robotic zombie state...n again i am badly struck again like geog paper II....this really turned me down...i did the MCQs....n sriously realised that REALLY even a NOOB can do it easily without revision ( read just the entry on PHYSICS paper juz on top of this to solve the gist on y m i sayin it in this matter )......last day....errps make it 1 more day...seriously...O lvl...wat u've done now can hardly bring my mood up all again, unless I score like shit 2molo for chem...oh yea n not 2 mention i suddenly haf this worry on my chemistry suddenly...can the 82% chemistry holder Lester Chew able to get A1 once again in O lvl? well u'd BETTER MAKE SURE THAT HAPPEN!!!
A Math PII - what more can u think if i say...."27/80 marks of the whole paper are left blank".....watdya think? however....juz wana let u noe...i TRIED MY BEST....tats wat i can tell u.....tried n put in my best for it alrdy....got nth more 2 say....
Chemistry PI & PII - i got nth more 2 say....MCQ i can reason out why like the answer is lets say A and reason for why B C and D is not...95% all i cna confirm the answer.....n uh paper II...nth usual...very application liked....ne ways....A1 la...
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