Char Siew
Ya noe wat? Just base on the ACJC ( Anglo-Chinese Junior College) 4 days orientation program…..i haf ENTIRELY no regrets on entering ACJC. N it was very dumb of me not to blog about it. Hostel was ok….love it….laundry’s although a bit troublesome that I haf to send it down and do some long laggy process on wirting on a form indicating the piece of laundry im sending in….and then do a very tiring packing into a plastic bag….n then collecting laundries even more ma-fan…..haf 2 look for like in 30 over packages just for my X-177 laundry plastic-bagged on Mon / Wed / Fri from 6pm-8pm. However I still kinda like doing laundry myself….for now…
That’s all bout laundry…..food? AWESOME….hell I must admit the food’s a lot nicer than ACS(I) Boarding. Breakfast…..nice….they hardly repeat the food…everyday almost of diff variety…even same food hardly come in week….got spaghetti n breads….i remembered once I ate pizza some days ago…..love it…lunch? Dun haf a chance to eat at all…dinner? FANTASTIC…although its prison-liked like when u get a tray n they started 2 put food on those columns by a big “piak” using the scoop…but…ok la…theyre not tat bad…..nice food..taste VERY VERY nice…then rice we take our own….then the usuals….we return the trays….
I love my hostel room….although the door-less toilet really’s a major setback for my passion for a perfect hostel….however the widely spaced room design makde up for it. Just tat no more air-con….raining a bit rain may come in….
Now for the best part….school….seriously…I like the way ACJC is now…..a lot more…theres so much to look forward and I seriously excited bout the way lectures r conducted in JCs and *ehem* presence of gals la….of course although theres me adding to the male female ratio of the school….however the ratio of Girls : Guys is 3 : 1……left us guys haf more choices LOL…..nah jk….girls r darn pretty I swear….then 1st day….got orientation….1st started by address from Principal…..then a discipline talk…..thank god the hair rule is that guys can go round without a slope @ the back…I muz admit I was so joyous about it….n then we haf THE TALK…for guys only LOL….just some common matters like wat not 2 do in front of gals…then we’ve got a video on ther orientation….its some story going on la….some 4 planets….Aldaron (air elemental)…Erif ( fire elemental…if u te-balik the words ERIF = FIRE )….Saralonde ( water ) and lastly Earfalas or sth like tat ( earth ) ….then they haft is super lame funny video…..on the storyline n this guy try 2 destoy they all wif a black hole….they oso came up n acted on the stage after the video a bit….of course be4 tat they haf a parade by each clan….n some dancing….its like some 10min parade by each clan…damn nice….each clan separate into 12 groups….my clan was lame….said sth like “ helo are you alive?”, “yes”, “y is that so?”, “because im sucking air” or sth like tat….its very inaccurate here cuz the erosion of memories….however I swear it was SUPER lame….then we learnt some big bunch of lame cheers….had games….ice breaker games…im in the clan Aldaron and the grp Sylph….3 leaders….Jonathan Wong, Felicia n Perry. Damn nice ppl they are….
I forgotten most of em sadly…..ok lets move on to 2nd day….some subject talk..PE tyalk in the morning which all of us almost fell asleep….then oso got games…SUPER dirty….all the muds n so on…water bombs….again…forgot most of em oso…
TODAY…was fun….cuz by then the 19 of us in the grp knew eah other very well alrdy…..we went a lot of games….let me mention osme super fun 1….the hair-juice game….1 pail at 1 end and another 1 at the other end…then ur suppose 2 dip ur hair into the pail n run over the other n squeeze those water out on the other pail…team wif most water wins….of course my grp cheated….the 1st few of us…..we drank water in n spit em out LOL….instead of juz water cuz.,….guys…short hair…..then tis Indian galin my grp..of course….got tons of juice to squeeze….was cheering mad….suprisingly even wif tat we lost lol….then oso got a game when a wide piece of I duno….polymer laid on the floor….its kinda slippery in nature….some 10m long…then they pour soap on the thing…then we’re suppose 2 slide form 1 end to the other n touch the referee’s hand….whoever touches 1st considered winner….lol…..i duno y….i got cheers the most from my grp cuz my slide was overpowered….i ran….jumped…n slide all the way…..then sliding SOOOOOOO FREAKIN fast then I stretched my hand forward then I juz keep moving on the mat….move move until the 2 ppl next 2 me oso stopped sliding I STILL sliding….then go ALL the way to the other end without a stoppage at all LOL….OWNAGE!!! lol my grpmates was shocked…hardly any1 get to slide all the way….then I went 2nd round….tis time..i OVER-slided….went out of the mat n hit the grass LOL….duno y my slides so power 1….oh yea 4got 2 mention…
We also leanred dances….n individual dance….then some oldies which u pair up wif a gal n dance wif her….damn fun…..then another game….like commando training like tat…we’re suppose 2 crawl on thew ground wif our hands tied wif another guy which we should b paired up….it was VERY VERY muddy….trust me….40% of my body was totally covered by mud n couldn’t c my skin at all…..
On Sat….we went to sch…for orientation….we barely played any games in the morning…then in the afternoon we went out for OG ( orientation group) time….we went to Seoul Garden …..lol was fun…was sitting wif my grp wif all the craps n lame jokes….n then they sang bday song 4 me oso woot….n then my ACSI fren made me ate a watermelon which was….i duno…fried…boiled…marinated n so on lol….then right after tat..THAT fren of mine went to toilet n started vomiting when we reach the MRT station near our sch….said him he was vomiting like Mealion LOL….like the fountain like tat…..then went back for some mass rally again….then CAMP FIRE….got dance club ppl dancing…..seriously….they were VERY VERY good…..then we haf some lame shits for like some 1h++…where my grpmates n me sat there like stone….n I was yelling a bit here n there like “ omg so boring”…..”shut up!” n when tis gal went upstage n claimed shes pretty herself I yelled *ehem* softly “ DO U EVEN HAF A MIRROR AT HOME?!” lol….then the fun part….soem cheers…then….DANCE!!!! we were all taught a dance n a couple dance….they kept playing the song again n again…some times very fast…sometimes like very slow….then we dance till like some 11pm then only we finishes everything wif some 5 min emo kinda reflections…..it was fun esp wif my OGLs n my grpmates….
Then Sunday I did nth much….but went out for lunch wif Ah Lian, Danny etc. ate at McD….however got a cake…n Ah Lian bought me some shampoos termed “Exfoliating and Healing” (says its gd for post orientation esp wif all the skin peeling n so on) n all 4 bottle in a puzzle shaped bottle….w….t….h…..=.=””””
Monday…went 2 sch for all the shit boring lectures…bumped in2 my OGL in the morning n she went all shouting n yelling when she sees us….lol….
Tuesday….nth much…came back early to hostel just to use the newly available wired internet….awesome!
Kk kinda lame though….simply becuz tis blog is not typed in 1 go….kinda like fragmented n typed from the past few days…so….get FRAGMENTED NOW LIKE CHAR SIEW!! Out of point…