Teal clothed seats...
Dimly glowed ceiling and walls with the school crest laid its back elegantly on it...
A soothing, faithful and hopeful melody cherished the every miliseconds in the hall...
Sons of Adam, daugthers of Eve...how YOU grew strong bonds amongst us...
Bold dark ACS-liked blue reflects from the curtains that lazily hung from the heavens, signifying a start of a new skit...my skit on that stage...
And a podium, for the very adressing that is going to mark the begining of my day and the clock's ticking...
The tide had changed...
I am past my dark times and with the belief, i know that no matter how dark the night is, morning always come...
Had fun with my OG-mates, classmates...Although release of O lvl result is at our very doorstep, and those more-than-enough-already warm-ups for my tiring timetable and time to calibrate my machine to work in taht pasture already...and CCA that really requires lots of time into it...
But, I am very sure to now to announce the closure of the troubles I had, and a new start has but not bid me farewell, but open its wide hand warmly welcomed my presence and the arrival of a Student's Life starts with a big capital, in a new paragraph...
- I finally signed my scholarship form and got it settled
- I am now with the flow of all the lectures and tutorials now
- I love my new CCA, and promised myself to give my best shot in for whatever CCA i will get in the future. Like now shooting, i will strive my excellence in it and hopefully i can get in school team. Below 2 pictures, 1 of them have all the 3 bullets all togather, its simple, my air rifle was laid on the bench shooting. Second one is when i held it in my arms which is god-damn heavy. Last shot is the one closest to the bullseye yay!
- I bought tons of junk foods.
- Collected more than 10 S$1 coins which i cna utilize them conveniently for laundry washing anytime i want
- Bought Ayumi Hamasaki's new album SECRET and loved it madly
- Got a poster from the album
- Delighted by the fact that i CAN actually study during study time and got very turned on and high when doing chemistry
- Had the funniest Physics lecture today. Good thing, all the debates went on and all the funny arguements left me quite awake during the entire lecture
- i eat lots of vegetable recently
- No insomia anymore
so...3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for my A lvl life...
*hip hip* HOORAY!

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