Friday, February 9, 2007

Uneven Scale

General Certificate Examination "Ordinary" Level, your fucked up
English Language - B3
Combined Humanities ( Literature Elective, Social Studies ) - A2
Geography - B3
Elementary Mathematics - A1
Additional Mathematics - B4
Physics - A2
Chemistry - A2
Biology - B3
Higher Chinese - D7
Lets go subject by subject.
English - I am glad
Combined Humanities - Delighted
Geopraphy - I had never knew that mental breakdown during the examination would get me this grade however I could not bother much about it
Elementary Mathematics - I had done my duty of getting this grade which is a must
Additional Mathematics - I had no idea what have became of me, the all-good-in-maths Lester is already long dead, I have expected this turnout
Physics - its is FUCKED UP! Do you have any idea in my stance I put in the time to mug and study for this subject? 
Chemistry - ITS EVEN FUCKING RETARDED! I swear with my entire ancestor's name and with teh blood in my veins, i SWEAR i paid a 100% attention to every single practical every week and 99% of the lesson! I SWEAR TO THE GOD! I DID ALL MY FUCKING PRELIMINARY PAPERS AND MUGGED SO BADLY FOR IT AND THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKERS OUT THERE GIVE ME?! YOU JUST HAPPILY TOKE AWAY MY ONLY HOPE AND ONE AND ONLY CONFIDENCE THAT IS LEFT IN MY FUCKING LIVE YOU FREAKING SADIST! From a term test result of 40% I did all I could and all the effort put in to get a good grade and I improved all the way to a 82% in mid-year examination and maintained the same result in Preliminary Examination which is way harder and in this all easy looking O lvl exam you gave me an A2?
Biology - Not something in my will-so-so-affect-my-mood list
Higher Chinese - Do i look like i freaking care? i got an A2 for chinese and which retard in this world would go all the way to get an A1 in Higher Chinese?
My testimonial is as followed: [comments enclosed in this form are my responses fyi ]
Lester has been a student of Anglo-Chinese School (independent) since 2004 to 2006. I was his Pastoral Care teacher ( PCT ) for th eyear 2006 and taught him in Elementary Mathematics.
Academically, Lester is exceptional and diligent student [that is a damn good lie]. His assignments are proof of his hard work and good organisational skills [ did i mentioned that i only passed out 4 of his million over homeworks in the entire year and yet still get A1? ] He also has shown a keeness to learn from his errors. [yes, everything except for this maths and yet i still get the fucking A1 and the rest? i learnt their mistakes and yet i get a fucked up result from those subjects] He is perceptive ad possesses an alert, inquiring mind.
What is highly praiseworthy is that Lester has been a steadfast worker, despite his heavy workload and his huge comittement to the school. He is highly disciplined in his time management and has achieved commentable results in his studies [ studies =/ O lvl ] and Co-Curricular Activity. Lester has been an active member of the St.John Ambulance Bridgade ( SJAB ) since 2005 [did i mentioned I just got the Adult First Aid Certificate just now? ] . In the same year, he was elected a m=comitte member in SJAB ( CPBS - External Assistant ). Lester was also named the Best Cadet in 2006. [ since when im the best cadet in 2006? i thought only 2005? anyways, you should know that I was "dis-illusioned" in mid 2006 fyi ] In recognition of his exemplary performance, he obtained the NYAA Silver Award and the Commissioner Badge in 2006 [ piece of cake, just do what they tell you to do and you'll get it like oxygen in the air]
An active member of the Interact Club [ you dont interact in this club, it stands for INTERnational ACTion, dont take us wrongly] Lester puts in numerous hours of voluntary work at Rotary Childcare Home and Chao Yang Special School. In 2005, Lester went to Thailand under the Rotary Club Singapore as a Tsunami Volunteer [i paid for the trip, but i tell you, the one week CIP is definetly worth going, no regrets AT ALL ] . His promotion to Public Relation Officer (PRO) is a testimony to his competent leadership [ just talk a lot and talk crap and you will get this rank ] . He had also perticipated in Singapore Special Olympics and was one of the referees for the game Bocce. Given his undivided commitment for CCA and outstanding contribution to the club, Lester was awarded Distinction award for CCA honours.
Lester has clearly proven to be a dependable and responsible student. He rendered invaluable service to his class by being part of the Class Committe [bullshit] . His unwavering positive attitude [ yea right, im a moody guy ] and determination to excel are key factors to his sucess. A confident student [ i may look like one but i am not, and dont argue that with me i know myself better than anyone ] who exudes positive self-esteem, [ do you know i intend to sign up for the Dove, self-esteem fund? ] Lester continues to make positive contribution to the class through his cheerfulness [ finally, something that is factual ] , enthusiasm and perseverance. He is adored by his peers [ as the craziest and most un-scholarly classmates OF COURSE they adore me for that lol, but i like my class a lot, i LOVE YOU GUYS! and i still am...] and valued as a true friend. He has participated in variety of charity drives and has gladly lent his hand in serving the community [ bye bye malaysia! ] . His charitabl spirits also helped to raise funds for various causes such as the President's Challange in 2006 [ seriously, i dont recalled me myself doing so O.o ] Lester has certainly been a delight to teach and will undoubtedly give his best in all that he does. 
The end~~
Well seriously, I am very disaapointed with my results. However to some extend I do accept the results that I have gotten because it is partly due to my own slackiness. Once a teacher told me this,
"You out in A1 effort, you get A1 result"
However, I am 18 years old now, and i will learn to see it through. Pick up from it, which is just plain easy to say for myself and not do it, and not make the same mistakes again. I am, of course very fearful to the fact that I might be able to remain in ACJC and maybe got kicked to other JC, but frankly i really wanted to stay in ACJC. Whatever it is, there are just few subjects I am very pleased with the grade. English and Combined Humanities. I have no idea what to say, but just that i did MY best to scoring the best out of it, dont judge my diligence from YOUR point of view, pls, that is just plain immature, if you want to argue on that, i have tons of analogy to argue on that and by all means, be my guest and debate with me, bring it on! But looking at those number of people who got 9A1s and 8A1s and one evn got 10A1, I wont judge god on that, because i know plain envious on them aint bringing me anywhere, I truly believe everyone is made uniquely, and is just that this unfair society and generalise what is "good" and "bad" and people out there who umm...did worse than me, there is no need to cry out loud for that, its not worthy.
Of which i am brave enough to say, " I like who I am now "
I like the way I am now. I may be some jokers who acted silly in front of people but its me. I dont mind going to Holland Village with my past year classmates, some 8 of us shouted "FUCK YOU" and "ACS ACS ACS ACS" there and attracted almost everyone's attention ( yes we did that and i swear we ALL will be in deep shit if someone ever recognise us). I like my sometimes head-care attitude on stuffs and works. I like my Nokia 3100 stone-aged like phone. I like my handwriting. I like my drawings. I like my retarded-spoiled-without-a-roller-mouse. I like my boalster.  I like hardcore playing World of Wacraft.
I am happy the way i am that I am dare enough to do things with myself standing firmly on the ground, doing what I believe in and go according to my policy and will never violate it. I like myself not like acting cool and be cool just to climb to the *ehem* top of the society, rather i like mixing with retarded peopls who talk craps all the time and ended laughing mad at it. I am Lester Chew. I am who i am.(sounds familiar?)
I am happy the way i am now,but there is just one last thing i want -  to stay in ACJC. I dont want to become a 6 pointer or whatsoever, just give me my life back and please, humans,  dont take away what every single individual are meant in this world, you are killing and slashing their soul. Return their soul back, dont overdo things and forced people to the brim of their capability...we dont...feed on people's sorrow...we are the dominating species on this Earth because simply we possesed
So, to mark the end of this entry just want to thank all teachers
English, Ms Chew, Mrs Yeo and Ms Fiona Ho for teaching me all the way since sec2 and i must really thank you in helping my in my English Language. I did improve a lot and am glad you were there to help me. Especially Ms Chew Kar Wai, although she may nag you a bit, but her weekly assignments have really brought my english to higer standards
Chinese, ok la...still thank your for helping me a lot.
Mathematics, Zzzz, kinda dont want to thank you guys but still, thank you for the A1 in mathematics
Physics, Mrs Alice Teoh, most dedicated physics teacher i have ever seen my life, just all your notes and powerpoint slides really amazed me by the enthusiasm and dedication to really...nurture the next generation and you will also not forget to enchance teaching with many realife experiments and lame stuffs
Chemistry, Ms Ho Fui Ling and Ms Kwoh Siew Lai, woah Ms Kwoh, most effective chemistry teacher around. Has the ability to bring up a pupils score in chemistry of 40% to 82% and still maintain the same result in Preliminary. What i want to say is that, some people are just meant to be teachers and so thank you a lot. And also what you have said before, "if you put in A1 effort, you get A1 result" I will remember that
Geography, *ehem ehem*, thank you for the wonderful knowledge, and i enjoyed learning geography in some sense after all i have interest in it, biggest thanks to my sec 2 geography teacher Mrs Jacqueline Yeow
Literature , yes its very boring lol, but somehow i enjoyed those dramas in those novels at times and some craps in class. Thank you for planting those seed of artisticism Mrs Suzzane Yeo and Ms Fiona Ho
Biology , yes Mr Terence Ng! love you lol!! and Mrs Toh Siew Tee, for giving me the A2 in biology during preliminary, and i still remembered VERY fontly what you said before, "all things on Earth are beautiful, even onions! look at those fleshy scale leaves". That was some MONTHS ago and i still remeber very clearly. Also thank you for although ur naggy, but your nice to some of us ( me me! ) and taught the beautiful side of somethigns =D
Social Studies, Mrs Lee Gek Kim for the teacher i RESPECTED the most for her wisdom. She taught for some 30+ years and i still remeber sth like "A wise old own on the tree, the more quiet it stays, the more it hears ; the more it hears, the more it learn". Indeed, Mrs Lee, u set me a gd example and I will not 4get your teaching. And Mrs Ho-toh, another teacher that our entire class favors, fun one but very responsible and she knows what she is doing, suprising BOTH are GCE O LVL paper MARKERS! ownage! that is some serious teachers man, no joke, i *salute* the both of u
Also my class 3.3 Issachar and 4.3 Caleb, i must admit i was so regretful on getting into YOUR class when got in sec3, i was all " cna i study in thi environment" but one thing, you guys are now my best buddies around and i must really thank you for teaching what is called "simple". That class is by far the most comfortable place ( yes more comfortable than with those in boarding and anywheer in boarding, yes i didnt miss out anything) I enjoyed staying with you guys and is really sad to leave. Its a all drama-free class, very down to earth class i've ever been. Honesty and all sorts of things, it really suprises me.
Dayl Tan, Zhi Jie, Alex Lua, Thana, Ian Chua, Javier, Noah See, Russel Lee, Make Chia, Bryan Wong, Jonathan Woo, Terry Tang, Anish Pahram, Yong Thung, Nicholas Tan, Ian Lim, Bryan Eng, Putera Zenata, Mandeep Singh, Ruben Money, Tito, Lester Wong, Muhammad Arif bin Salim,  Elgin Leow, Wayne Cheong and Davin Yeow. Thank you for giving me the best in ACS(I) in 2005 and 2006.
And to all the staffs, like laundry aunties, the super nice curry mee from Just for Mee, Nescafe latte from Oasis, chicken pie and ice kacang from Fruitie Tuitie, super cheapo and tasy fried chicken from Sister Act 3, nice Unagi and tempura chicken and pineapple rice from Mama Mia. Uncle and aunty form the pool cafe. Uncle John from boarding. Matron. Yoke lian!!. funny lab techs. the aunty who clean our room weekly in hall5. Mr Sham, Ms Ong, Ms Ho, Mr Patrick Soo, Mr Michael Doyle, Mr Gunawan,Mr Reginald, people and seniors in hall5. Its nice to have met you all.
Now it is time to move on and mark the closure of my pastimes in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

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