The compass always points to the north. The human's compass points in various direction. Wheres yours pointing?
Again, its always during examination period where people have ample time at home to study and be with themselves, and that is when a lot of question starts popping out. Our quest, as student, was of course to strive excellence in the academic field. Get a good grade, a distinction, or even a high distinction.
Where as it seemed to be a easy task for some people to obtain a HD, whilst it appeared to be a very difficult task for somebody as well. I am that somebody. I wont deny the truth that, I am in fact still incapable of securing a HD after nearly 2 years have elapsed since the start of University. It seemed too much a shame sometimes. I will not deny the fact that I do secretly envy the clever students around a lot, whilst some really has nothing much to be envious about because their character just blows.
It makes me wonder really, what these people will have to go through to obtain the grades. All the time, effort, and a whole long list of other things they've sacrificed for the grades. Because, I'm telling you for the effort I've put in the get a minimum three Distinctions a semester left me pretty much exhausted and drained after the examination. To think that if I were to put in the extra effort to push the grade up to HD, I'd die. Well of course that is exaggeration. So here am I thinking, is HD really all that is too our lives right now? Of course its a "No", and for those who came up with the answer within a split second, think again.
Digress for a minute, i know its random.
To all the guys out there who have judged other girls, I'd invite you to look at yourself in the mirror first. I'll keep my mouth shut if you're downright a good deal, but I'm sorry, you looked like fuck in the first place. So stfu and L2Respect each other.
Back to the topic. So I'm just thinking, if you're constantly tied down by your affiliation currently and devote all your time to it, and, if and only if, this never ends, what time would you have left for yourself? 5 or 10 years down the road you probably would be one of the many people around that regretted for not enjoying the past times of their lives. Yeah you could disagree on that and I'd give it to you because my intention was never to force these ideas down your gut. Only on one condition.
I do not want to hear your whining whatsoever, at all. No broadcast how FML your life is. Seriously, I admit I used to be a complain-machine, but now that I've learned not to and saw the light to it, it feels sickening to see when people complains. Yes its really fine if you've got into a car accident etc, but if you were about to complain about things like you falling ill or getting a gastric all day everyday? I'm sorry that is just plain voice pollution, or rather, aesthetic pollution since its all over Facebook nowadays.
So finally here I am to my thoughts today. Let me just make it real simple.
I'd rather get three Distinctions, and be happy.
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