Friday, October 26, 2012


If you'd put aside few coins everyday, after a long period time, that's a lot of coins.

Same with feelings and experiences. They're like shillings being hurled into that card-box, clashing amongst themselves and echoing throughout before silently being tucked aside after the long day. If you would pour them all out again, it's a tsunami of collective past experiences gushing right at you, all at once and with that loud cry. 

So there I was counting all the shillings that I've been collecting throughout the year. It's as though I'm looking back to all the events that took place this year and I'm reviewing them one by one. Carefully stacking them in order afterwards and sum them all up. $450+ was it, because I want it to be exact figures. Overwhelming too, was all the events that took place this year. However I felt as though I have summed them all up and thought through them, now it's time to give it away and put it behind. In exchange I grow up more, just like how I've benefited myself with some usable money after the exchange. 

2012 is coming to an end, and boy, what a year. It's time to wrap up things and move on, least after my examinations. 

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