wah kaoz finally!!! i can use internet....but wait
lets talk bout sth past week....last Thurs..during my boarding sch's Koinonia ( Christian Felowship...whole boarding sch...some 400 ppl muz come 1 ya noe!!) theres 2 Ang Mo...their arm is FUCKIN BIG!!! DAMN BIG!! they talk bout sth but main thing is....they tore a BIG BOOK in2 half juz usin bare hands...n even bent a steel bar....stell bar i didnt take pic la but u can c the book l8ter....
ok back 2 wifi...2 days yesterday they announced tat sec 2/3 can go sch n do the IP thingie...but heard tat like wat Windows Home n Machintosh cannot use sia.....n then the queue is like very long...some 15 min per person...futhermore open untill only untill 5pm....so actually i wasnt very happy oso....my fren came 2 the gathering place which i was celebrating Shivana's birthday 2gather....right after we celebrated i DRAGED danny to the place n start questioning the IP guy lolz....
wasnt statisfied wif the answer they gave though....
sumore heard a madam said sth liek Acer cannot do when she came out of the room lolz...
then 2day...which is Fri..i SKIPPED St John LOLZ!! i pon la actually...become PONSTAR liao....ne wayz then i went back 2 boarding....when i went pass my hall's lounge...the IP guy which i questioned yesterday was in....i was like O.O of course i grabed my com n let him do.,..sadly he left half way be4 it reach my "queue".....then all my frens start talking bout how 2 DIY...
in the end went 2 sch...waiting like some 1/2h.....the queue doesnt budge at all....so i quit!! FED UP!!went back boarding...do some lame shit untill dinner...went playin badminton...after returned 2 my room....Louis n Danny's in my room n Louis's talkin bout helping wif my com n i went headcare n let him do wateva hge wana do...
HE DID IT!! lolz n now im in prep room usin lo hehe finally lo....
oh yea be4 tat...some guy fell got a deep cut on his toe....n everybody talked like ehs gonna die....n said sth liek HE CANT WALK...some ppl ask me 2 go help but ppl dun listen 2 me at all so i went head care bout em liao n go back....useless shits....eh if ur 1 of em readin tis ah....tell u ah....no point callin 4 a 1st aider if ur not prepared 2 listen 2 our advices....tell em 2 walk n support his arms n like again...walk him back 2 his hall...."Cannot la tat wound..."..."he cannot walk la.." GGRRR u suckers.....wasted my leisure time sumore....ungrateful bitches...
but after all im gald i can sue wifi now....but then...MY WORLD OF WARCAFT OFFCIAL WEBSITE'S BLOCKED!!! KNNZ!!! grrrr damn.....
Thought I would never continue to continue my journal liao..lolz…..btw
Time : 11.55
Date : 03/07/06
Damn internet still cant get…they need some 2 weeks 2 process the thingie though…..i think they’re gonan take longer than tat lolz…..ne wayz its Youth Day Holiday today….had quite a great time…went out wif Ah Lian for lunch @ City Hall….some high class restaurant called….kopitiam…=.=”…..lame sia….1 plate of Char Kuew Tiao S$14!!! Crazy ah…..siao….then after tat Keet Lam , Caleb n I went watching Superman….except for the tight suit superman wore ( hiu hiu *whistle*) theres nth else better 2 watch LOL….jk la…..aiya love here love there sienz sienz….guess wat? I went out wif my hair dyed!! Happen 2 c Gatsby wax….its gold colour…gd thing’s u can WASH OFF WITH SHAMPOO!! =D…tried it out wif my comic-liked cap...errps its actually a Tropicana cap wif comics on it…cool huh….n then some t-shirt n tat funky pants…..
Well be4 that….it was erps….Fri nite…went my aunt’s house…n play WoW!! Its somehow the last day liao…so got very despo liao…..got there @ 10pm…played till 4am….then sleep 4h….woke up @ 8am…played all the way till 7pm……then came back boarding….played a 10min badminton n then head bak 2 my rm n shower n then sleep….Sun’s nth…except for celebrating my Caleb’s bday @ pizza hut….sudah belanja him S$1 of pizza ( LOL ) and a Chocalate Sundae @ McD AND a puzzle which its costy shared by Louis n me….aiyo 2day @ Orchard still xpect me 2 belanja him sumore…..somehow scolded him lolz…no la…..but eh if ur reading tis….UR DAMN GREEDY LE!!! Chinese idiom --> Human heart not enuf snake swallow elephant….bad bad…..very bad I muz say…..
Ne wayz tats bout Sun not much….2day Mon so holiday lo…..came bak bout 6pm n had dinner outside….however….didnt noe prep’s 7.30pm….so kinda late but I went headcare bout it lo….kinda tired n did n hour’s of homework n then my eyes cant tahan ne more….so slept a while….then saliva all over….aiyo so tired sia…..then talked 2 my mom for bout some 1h…..then headbak…..do some shitty stuff n then now here I m typin lo….
4got 2 mention….Sun happen 2 can use internet through window so I screenshotted all my WoW stuff…some 91 pics lolz……
Btw….prelim (preliminary exam)’s drawing soon….i haf GREAT PLANS TRUST ME…but I nvr utilize em….cuz im simply too lazy….no cuz I simply couldn’t find the motivation 2 work…or rather the reason for doing so….DUN U FUCKIN TELL ME like “oh tats everybody does….” STFU!! Damn life’s totally meaningless 4 me…I mean it…really….i eat for the sake of eating….study 4 the sake of studying…..play 4 the sake of playin……sleep 4 the sake of sleping…..alll doing in a manner where its totally meaningless…dammit……but frankly….i seriously cant live tis kinda life ne more…I ADMIT tat I changed bad…very bad….but pls theres a damn fuckin big reason behind it….i simply keep changing juz 2 find sth like “BINGO” n it fits my life….but I nvr find it…..
U c now….wat time liao….12.10am…..thought of 2molo’s stress….2molo’s homework…n those prelim stuff which teacher will keep pressurize u wif…..n seriously…..when I was in M’sia…..i hardly recall tat I haf ne stress…..only some when theres project work or sth tedious like tat….if not….i dun recall having stress in my *ehem* EVERYDAY-LIFE………neh oh ya….2molo interact club got meeting oso….sienz…..really I cant take tis ne more….my life cannot b like a vessel….a soulless vessel tat’s like a conformist…..doing wat all ppl does…..tats plain no life….n especially when they said sth like “PPl can do y u cannot ah?”
FUCK U!!!! theres no such thing as ppl can do I cannot…..ALL OF US r made different….if all of us can do the same thing….aint tis world all the same? Everybody can work….can play…can read well….can play piano…can swim well….can get lots of As….its bullshit really….n sumore stuff like “eh normal ppl would b dying to learn to drive y not u”
FUCK U!!!! again…..no such thing…..so ur sayin all guys should watch soccer? REALLY AH?? If u dun watch soccer ur not a guy? Man I dun get it….how shallow minded u guys can b….total stupidity….then if a guy dun play World of Warcraft since it’s a guy thing…..HES NOT A GUY????!! Fuck I can say tat shitty thing ne time I wan but I swear I NEVER…..
Guys u juz need 2 know tat everybody’s different….if hes not the 1 tat u like…juz bloody leave him alone…dun gif a fuckin shit about la…u damn assclowns…..imagine the whole world every guy do the same thing….*spits blood*……
See….how torturing my life can be…..a homosapien’s life…..ouch n tat cut under my mid-finger’s nail is painful….