man....i found this website.....n i can like browse some thousands of WoW movies clip on pvp la....on a lot of things n SHIT I WANA PLAY WOW NOW!!! its juz plain tempting.....but i alrdy promised my mom i cant play untill O lvl is finish then i can continue the game wif the upcoming expansion World of Warcraft : Burning Crusade....that game is basically endless....more n more gd loots comin up n ur juz so tempted to b more n more powerful and ur conquest to be a better killer n achieving of greater height is juz plain endless....i c no end to wonder Blizzard makin this big $$.....of course la....
But at time i dun quite get it oso.....errps 4 a sec i got it....initially i wanted 2 say that how on earth games can affect ur studies....u juz play n study la....not like the game's some brainwashing program that'll empty ur mind wif all the O lvl syallabus stuff in ur head....but the scary part is when u get addicted and start neglecting all ur *ehem* future-working now.....which is study....
Like 2day.....i woke up @ 9 am....did biology Ten-year-series excersize untill like 11.30am.....(HEY 2 n 1/2 hour of workin is crazy!!!! n im deeply amazed by the concentration i put in lolz....).....n then surf the net 4 some junkie stuff.....then lunch....i reserved lunch 4 weekends instead of digging my own pocket 2 eat ouside $$ sia.....n a sec i juz realised how damaged my eyes can b usin com non-stop....all things at far looks so blur now....n im yet 2 haf a chance 2 really utilize my vision-therapy specs....which is like some matrix sungalsses like that wif pot-holes 2 enable ur eyes 2 zoom in naturally n stretch ur Cornea in ur eye balls....
This is due to close range where ur cornea or wateva lens in ur shitty eyes relaxes...n then ligamen ( which is muscle la....) relaxes cuz the thing ur seeing which is ur com is so near thus the light formed in ur eyes is before ur retina n thus very blur liao...with the spec it restretch ur muslce n make the len shaper n longer 2 focus lights back on ur retine n BLOODY HELL i study too much Biology liao....
ok back 2 the part,.....after lunch....@ 2pm...continue working untill 3.30pm....then i CANT TAHAN NE MORE!!! i stormed out of my room 2 the lounge n start usin internet cuz the fuckin internet simply is out of range TODAY ( only....duno y oso 2day juz cant use lo.....) n i cant use in my room....n then lounge soon oso cannot use then now im downstair on the sofa usin.....sienz.....
n i noticed sth wrong wif fish....her balancing system seems 2 b sth wrong....but gladly she still eat the food wif FRENZY when i threw in food....sigh...but im 4c-ing her deat....*ehem* touch wood....
yesterday le....EVEN MORE SIEN....planned 2 wake up 4 chemistry...cuz my all diligent chemistry teacher Ms Kwok juz simply workin so hard n even had some xtra lessons on Sat morning...its juz a time where she get us there n keep doing pass year papers n TYS ( ten year series...some workbook la....very common here with all the past 10 years of common question come out in O lvls compiled in 1 book)...HOWEVER......
i am lazy 2 wake i canceled my mind....only till in the afternoon i realised how dumb i was n how moody i was.....shitty ass....tat was a big mistake....but oh well next week i sure go cuz still got like 4 weeks left n defiently will mug mug mug liao.....sad thing is my prelim starts be4 holiday....Social Studies paper....English paper n E math paper 1 n Chem practical.....then as i mentioned be4 holiday n then resumme....spits blood.....
Saturday....went out for dinner outside alone cuz i simply hibernated 4 some 3 hours n like some zombie-liked robot or some robotic-zombie liao....went out alone....( yes at times i juz dun care 2 geta fren wif mindset was all like "oh i go then come back....Y DO I NEED A FREN 4 THAT??!!".....) so was eating chicken chop lo....since like alrdy n ice age since i last tasted flesh....then my fren bumped in2 me....its Edward...some yr 3 Indo guy la...his 1st yr here....he joined me....i went 2 withdraw $$ for my bloody boarding sch's air-con fees....then came back...oh of course i finish my food then i withdraw $$ la..then make him follow me 2 grab drink....then we made out way back...stil remeber its a Lemon+Green tea JUSTEA bottled drink....while i was walking back....i was all talkative n didnt realised the slope n then somehow fell a my ankle twisted....i somehow manage 2 balance myself n stand straight up....
HOWEVER...( wah got lots of suspense n tension....) left ankle or rather my WHOLE left foot was TOTALLY immobilized cuz of the pain....4 a sec i really thought i got it twisted n muz go clinic n like muz b on wheelchair or crutches ( or wateva the shitty spelling is....) me as a 1st aider....though im not panic but its damn FUCKING PAINFUL!!!! i stood for some 1 min....then i told him i cant take it n muz sit down....i sat down.. for some 2 min i was like oh damn....LUCKILY it juz a normal back 2 normal n managed to stand n wak a bit....jump jump a bit oso.....then that BLOODY SADIST!! stupid Edward...he moved back...n drew out his handphone.....toke a photo of me.....WHEN i was pointing my ankle.....the angle n the photo on me juz looks damn looks like some holding my own balls.....I WAS REALLY POINTING AT MY ANKLE!!! this bloody guy la.....laugh like siao all the way untill we reach out sch STILL laughing....gosh of course i made him delete that bloody photo n blackmail him.....sigh that guy la....
n still feels kinda painful lo....n then like now hor....i CANNOT BLOODY PLAY BADMINTON OR SWIM LA!!! of course not 2 mention last nite...which is Sat nite...went down 2 check the mph got lights alrdy or not....Fri nite dun haf...Sat nite oso dun haf..i totally sienz out la...n then like 10.15pm went out 4 supper wif my frens....its open...n wif lights....i was like all swearing n cursing on the streets ( the route outsdie the sch 2 dover market which is the place we had most our "outdoor" meal....mph is visible form there.....)....n then i was all wif the "fuck" word n the " CHI BAI" and "KNNZ" on the street wif my ACS corporate shirt n i juz went head care wif passer-by LOLZ.....
now hor....tis whole weekend i DONT HAF THE BLOODY CHANCE to exercise lo....plan 2 run on the tracks form some 2km but shitty legs.....totally handicapped swim oso cannot....nanti i sink down the pool die liao lo....ehe touch wood...luckily this sofa im sitting now is made of if i wana swim oso cannot....NO GOGGLES how 2 swim? dog-style ah? i can swim without goggles of course ( obviously....who cant?) but its juz that i might bang on2 the wall ne time if i choose 2 close my eyes.....even if i open it...those chlorine in the water will juz kill my eye balls la....%#$% now feel damn weird without exercising at all......n i kinda lazy 2 buy new goggles oso.....
play badminton to train my legs n make it more muscular la cuz i alwayz wear shorts...swim in Sun evening juz 2 get a tan on my skin n make sure i dont get a bloody tummy even if its little.....I SWEAR IN MY ENTIRE LIFE I WONT GET A TUMMY!!!! NO BLOODY FUCKING WAY IM GETTING IT!!! can u imagine doing sexual intercourse wif the bloody tummy n ...ok *ehem* it stops here......after my legs n tummy maintenace is on "farm status" ( some world of warcraft term la...dun understand nvm) then i'll move on 2 my shoulder then my arms...GREAR PLAN RITE??!! yea n I KNOW U MUST BE DOUBTING ME OUT THERE!!!!
*inhale*......*exhale*.....nvm.....u noe wat? i think i go buy my goggles now.....sigh but where 2 buy le..hmm....need 2 find some Jusco-liked stuff here.....where ot Isetan?.....Jurong point is a shitty place lo....hah.~~ where le?GOSH Y M I TELLING U THIS?
7.00pm....same day...just some addition stuff...
juz bought my goggles...@ Royal Sporting House...some S$19.90 goggles...Speedo branded....but the cashier guy's a bitch....he THREW the receipt ON THE table...bitchy guy....hey there i may b a kid but im still ur bloody customer.....U HEAR ME??!! U BITCH!!

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