wah kaoz finally!!! i can use internet....but wait
lets talk bout sth past week....last Thurs..during my boarding sch's Koinonia ( Christian Felowship...whole boarding sch...some 400 ppl muz come 1 ya noe!!) theres 2 Ang Mo...their arm is FUCKIN BIG!!! DAMN BIG!! they talk bout sth but main thing is....they tore a BIG BOOK in2 half juz usin bare hands...n even bent a steel bar....stell bar i didnt take pic la but u can c the book l8ter....
ok back 2 wifi...2 days yesterday they announced tat sec 2/3 can go sch n do the IP thingie...but heard tat like wat Windows Home n Machintosh cannot use sia.....n then the queue is like very long...some 15 min per person...futhermore open untill only untill 5pm....so actually i wasnt very happy oso....my fren came 2 the gathering place which i was celebrating Shivana's birthday 2gather....right after we celebrated i DRAGED danny to the place n start questioning the IP guy lolz....
wasnt statisfied wif the answer they gave though....
sumore heard a madam said sth liek Acer cannot do when she came out of the room lolz...
then 2day...which is Fri..i SKIPPED St John LOLZ!! i pon la actually...become PONSTAR liao....ne wayz then i went back 2 boarding....when i went pass my hall's lounge...the IP guy which i questioned yesterday was in....i was like O.O of course i grabed my com n let him do.,..sadly he left half way be4 it reach my "queue".....then all my frens start talking bout how 2 DIY...
in the end went 2 sch...waiting like some 1/2h.....the queue doesnt budge at all....so i quit!! FED UP!!went back boarding...do some lame shit untill dinner...went playin badminton...after returned 2 my room....Louis n Danny's in my room n Louis's talkin bout helping wif my com n i went headcare n let him do wateva hge wana do...
HE DID IT!! lolz n now im in prep room usin lo hehe finally lo....
oh yea be4 tat...some guy fell got a deep cut on his toe....n everybody talked like ehs gonna die....n said sth liek HE CANT WALK...some ppl ask me 2 go help but ppl dun listen 2 me at all so i went head care bout em liao n go back....useless shits....eh if ur 1 of em readin tis ah....tell u ah....no point callin 4 a 1st aider if ur not prepared 2 listen 2 our advices....tell em 2 walk n support his arms n like again...walk him back 2 his hall...."Cannot la tat wound..."..."he cannot walk la.." GGRRR u suckers.....wasted my leisure time sumore....ungrateful bitches...
but after all im gald i can sue wifi now....but then...MY WORLD OF WARCAFT OFFCIAL WEBSITE'S BLOCKED!!! KNNZ!!! grrrr damn.....

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