Ok changed my font colour of my sis was all bitchin bout it LOLz...but ne wayz found it quite true lo....very stroking sia....but if u were planning to make me change 2 a bigger font....im deeply sorry...TOO BAD!!! MWAHAHHA
ok.....last week i got this fish-orgasm....n started to go round the world to look for fishes....i remembered some place called Ginza plaza has multiple aquarium shops...so i toke a bus n went there alone....thinking tat i might need 2 do it the ninja-y way to prevent my fish exposure cuz boarding sch actually *sniff* forbids pets *sob*.....so i went....(wah so much suspense.....)...i reached there had McD....then started to look 4 it...SUPRISINGLY...it turned out bad....changed to a Kopitiam liao....then like some 347 steps away is another aquarium shop...i dashed there wif great excitement...only 2 realise that it sells onl salt water fish cuz of the salty smell...i vomitted blood...then i started bitchin bout ti 2 my fren n he says that theres another 1 like combine wif other pet shop 1....of course i was all fed-up n continue 2 go back baording....
Next day he asked me 2 go wif him....1st he wana buy candies....2ndly says he wana show me where it is...i followed....DAMMIT!! he pointed tat Kopitiam n said "neh tats the fish shop"....i went in front of the kopitiam n gave him a which-part-of-tis-kopitiam-looks-like-a-fish-shop-to-u kinda looks....knnz...then we went buying candies...
NOW!!!! its a shop SATURATED WID CANDIES!! biscuits...sweets...kokocrunch sumore...chocolate...U NAME IT!! its awesome....i bought some $10+ worth of candies though LOLZ...check it out down there la...
then l8ter we went clementi to look 4 aquarium shop cuz my halltutor's maid said that out fish in out hal..she bought some of em in clementi...after walking some 2764m......we gave up n went back....though we found a PET shop...but theres no fish....unless ur willing to drown a newly bought hamster in a container of water n label it as "fish"......
Been living a boring life.....u can literaly harvest Ling Zhi (some mushrooms tat yields high rarity)...cuz im all rotten ....wif spider webs n wif plants alrdy...gd thing is....by NEXT weekk....i can RETIRE FROM ALL MY CCA!! so i can focus on my studies....
and then during yesterday'e meeting...my president accidentally mixed up our interact club installation day's theme "Catalyst" to "Crystalyst"....which is a damn fucking weapon in DoTA.....OMG we laughed like shit for like some 10 min....
Targetted L1R5 = 9 points
Its poosible...but impoosible 4 lester 2 do it...cuz im simply toooooo lazy!! lolz ne wayz.....next week St.John i can retire alrdy....the official R.O.D ceremony will take place next week n i'll b officially out of my UYO (uniformed youth organization).....n Interact Club.....i dun haf tat anxiety 2 quit interact so badly la....but its juz like i can clear my mind of all the CCA-stress....n wats left is only my study....ne wayz Prelim (shortform la.....its actually O lvl preliminary exam) like some 7 weeks left only.....damn knnz...so sienz le...no motivation 4 me 2 study at all....WAT IS THE DAMN FACTOR 2 motivate me??!! LOVE? ANGEL ?? MUSIC?? lolz jk tats Gwen's stefani's album title....bleh i wan my life back!!
Maybe i should confiscate my own laptop ( n HOW exactly u do it Mr. Lester?).....to keep my self from the all tempting laptop.....sigh wat 2 do....tis is 21st centuary....FUCK IT!!!

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