Sunday, April 18, 2010 bad

I have a fetish. A fetish for movies. It goes the same for songs.
Movies are not as bad as mp3 really, for music-wise i just have to own every single damn song i came across. Hence i bought the awesome iPod nano 16GB ( rather than 8GB ), which filled up just a little over 8GB the FIRST TIME i loaded my songs in. Awesome much? Now it sits nearly 10GB ( 9.96GB precisely, i just viewed my iTunes a sec ago ).
Movies are like first love. Yeah you heard me, the very moment i set my gaze on the title or trailer, i'll be in love with it. That of course, does not apply to all of the damn movies around the world. Once i've gotten enchanted with one, i have to watch it regardless, which brings me to today's movie wishlist.
1. Ip-Man 2. Hell i didnt know that movie is so good untill i've watched it. Got hooked ever since.
2. When in Rome. Dudes like me dig chick-flick/romantic movies as such.
3. Iron-Man 2. Seriously, can you say no to that?
4. Prince of Persia. MOREEEE action movies wootz!
5. Sex and the City 2. Dont laugh, i actually liked sex and the city and i've watched it at a young age on HBO channel. But i'd download it over going to the screens for it, dont think its worth the money.
Owh and by the way, i forgot what newspaper add was that, New Straits Time or so, i've been seeing those advertisements on the road side, just plain white background and 2 lines of words. Dang, they play really well with words and really gotten you to think.
"If less is more. Is more less?"
"Is a zebra white with black stripes? Or black with white stripes?"
"Does a professional footballer work? Or play?"
Pretty interesting stuff. Thats all, laters!

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