Saturday, April 10, 2010

Love, a different kind.

To think about it, there are people who loves me. A different kind really.
Sometimes i live my life suspecting everyone around me, but once in a while i guess i need a gentle reminder that there are people who loves and cares about me, and i too shall pass the love on. Just going to make a little list of examples,
1) A friend who decided to take the trouble and helped me with my assignment when i am really stucked, that is untill he forgets to send me the copies lol.
2) My neighbour, who always give me their homecook soup nearly on a daily basis. I love homecook soups!
3) A certain clown i've known throughout my Uni days who'd once actually bothered to comfort me through an email full of words. I swear i melted the instance i saw the email.
4) A BIG friend of mines who accepts me just the way i am.
5) All the jerks who bothered to talk to me on msn whenever i put a distress msg as my pm. I know i laughed at you falling for it, but in all honesty i really didnt put it up just to trick you guys. I know you'd probably never knew about it because i was too thick-skinnned to even admit the facts, but i love you all dearly for it.
so on and so forth. and i'm probably too shy to mention my mom here. Oh wait, i just did =D.
LOVE IS IN THE AIR( a tad late for that i know)

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