The other day my friend sorta had a misunderstanding with one of the lab technician during our laboratory session, it wasnt directly involving me but i had to step out to clear some of the misunderstanding. A mutual understanding was eventually reached, but left me breathless for a while.
For the whole day, to be honest.
I felt very tensed frankly. It just reminded me a whole lot of things in the past, and all i wanted to do was actually...smoke.

Incense therapy would work, but i dont have the luxury in Uni.
Hell thats more like it. Just another problem, i dont carry with me cigarattes all the time and...i dont have friends carrying them around. I dont know what else to say, so many thoughts running in my mind and every breath is a gasp and as though there are a pair of skeletal hands clasped around my neck suffocating me. I just want to grab a stick, smoke it at a corner and just...chill out.
Im not a frequent smoker and you can have my words that i have very good health conscious. I smoked only a handful of times, probably much lesser than the max number of fingers on just one of your arm. I sort of remembered the sensation though, and once in a blue moon i think i just need that.
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