Now i got a confession~
Ha ha ha ha~
Careful what you wishing for~
Cuz you just might get it~
Cuz you just might get it~
Cuz you just might~
There i was, sitting in the car strucked by this pandemonium! A sudden catastrophe caught me unprepared and i was left devastated, with eyes staring blankly in front. Yes you've guessed it! I got into a car accident. ( somehow i made it sounded like its so much fun, its not really lol...actually i didnt mean to "lol" anyways )
So yeah i got down from my car, and really there was nothing to argue. Clearly i was the one at fault, as in why would it be his fault if he was staying still during a traffic jam, and then some car kissed his ass. I apologised, and thank god hes a malay at mid 20s, and hes not hard to deal with. Imagined what would've happen if someone came out of the car furiously and then scolds me in the middle of an expressway. Terribad. So yeah i apologised, and first thing he did after leaving his car was to take a snapshot. So i suggested that we moved further in front to talk things out since we're sorta blocking the traffic ( and yes theres only 2 lanes ).
So we moved foward to a petrol station, and there goes the talking. He just prompted me the question, "how?". Well obviously i said i could, to some extend ( i'll leave the defining of "some" to some other day ) i could pay for his repairs, so long he dont report me., simply because my driving liciense is still under probation and if a report is filed, my liciense will have a high probability of facing a confiscation. Well frankly, his car had only a obvious scratch, bent a little at the back, and a car boot that cannot be opened. Mines on the other should just see it with your own eyes ( check below ).
Frankly, he wasnt that awful of a person, even joked that i was lucky to have crashed into this cheap old car instead of some others. So yeah, both of us toke snapshots of our cars. I paid him an amount of 100bucks initially ( DONT patronize me by telling me i shouldve given less, i wished i could but this aint happening. Given you in his position would you want 50 or a 100? Think again), gotten each other's contact number. Well he mentioned what should be done of this if i sorta like dissapeared into thin air if he evers need additional repair bills, my reply was just "report me then". So i continued to college.
When I grow up~
Wana see the world~
Drive nice car~
Wana have~
Yeah, when i was on the way back from college, due to the accident, some damage was done to my car's radiator and caused my engine to have smokes coming out. Contacted my parents and while i was on the phone, i'd thought i could somewhat make it back cuz the smoke really aint that much. However as i drive, the meter seems to keep going up and when its approaching the red bar, i was like "ok my turn to have to stop my car on the highway just like any other cars that does that and ends up casuing a traffic jam". Well thankfully the road had 3 lanes and i aint blocking that much traffic anyways. Turned on the signal lights, and put the triangle-whatever-sign some distance behind my car, and sat inside. Yeah i would've STOOD OUTSIDE becasue it was somewhat dangerous, but it started raining.
Although safety's always first but somehow i'd rather sit in the car, you have no idea how much attention i paid to my rear and side mirrors for cars appraoching from my back. Well, neighbour opens a car garage, so he got me someone to toll my car. They kept emphasizing that i shouldnt let anyone toll my car except for this car-toller-whatever-name-for-the-vehicle with the carplate XXX YYYY ( haha not telling you =P ). Many other people came and asked whether i needed a toll and offered A SHIT LOAD OF GREAT SERVICES, again and again i rejected, about 4 of them. So finally he came and got my car tolled.
Zzzzzzz. Long way to my neighbour's garage, and another hour of waiting untill they came then only i got get a lift back home.
Long day, really. Lesson learnt. Like my sis said, i lost my virginity, it all falls back to "how hard and how loud" it is and everyone has their "first time". Well on the bright side, i was on my ~8years old car, knocked onto a not-so-ber-jenama-car, and i survived!
When i grow up~
(just so you know, thats actually a pussycat's doll's song. heh)
( Below are the pics, the golden coloured vehicle is mines and the silver is my victim's car =X )

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