Yeah yeah you'll probably think im not much a diffrence as compared to some old hags sitting in some kopitiam talking about life etc. But you've got to agree with me here, time flies. AND its fast.
So yeah i dug my grave last year by returning from the southern-island, and i crawled out early this year by submitting myself under the torturous hands of Ausmat staffs. Oh well, torturous it may be, it turned out to be a blessing. Another long road down my self-discovery and growing-up i have made throughout this year, pretty fruitful year i guess. Ausmat IS ending, dont deny it. Theres couple more days to my trials, and then 1 more month and it'll be out finals and there mark the end of my Ausmat.
Here am i, drunk with caffein, grieving about the fact that i didnt make an effort to slow things down throughout this year, so things wouldnt bypass so fast. (yeah and at this hour, 1.45am urghh). Call me an emo-er, whatever.
sigh~time really flies. 1.5months more to go, i've gotta make the best out of it. Honestly, i really hate farewells, and i'm afraid of forgetting people.
P.S. I am a very forgeful person. That is why i am afraid of forgetting you, my dearest.
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