Monday, October 13, 2008

Quiet Silence that nobody hears

Well it just kinda scares me when this post-mock exam break is...unusually silent. Or maybe its just me always have so many voice in my head that i cant seem to get used to a moment of silence. Whatever.
People seem to have their own worries, their own plans and have things of their own to be done. Pretty scary when your MSN shows about 60 people online and all of them seems all so quiet and busy with something. Anyways this break been quiet, there are people making full use of it as a break, some sulking throughout this holiday over their underperformance during mocks, some actually studyin, some actually gaming, and some actually blogging and bitching about everything like me.
Actually i felt the presence of troubled souls way more than you know, the opposite. Don't know, just really curious what people are actually thinking at the back of their head. Are they really worried about mocks? Well because i for one would never be able to comprehend why lecturers would pass out such a tough paper and lower the average marks of all Ausmat students. Maybe because they think by lowering the internal marks, will bring about a moderation which will be marginally higher after the externals? I don't know. Are people worried about some other issues in life? I was at the verge of sanity by the way, because i was left with absolutely nothing to do. 
Felt some desperation for some company, yeah sounds desperate. But oh wells, i admit i cant stand loneliness that much, always feels better with someone pr anyone. I don't know, everybody seems to be holding onto their own worries and not pouring it out.
Nothing unusual, and nothing of the norm also. Just some predictable unpredictability of life that i would love to note it down somewhere. Blogged about this mainly because of the uneasiness i felt. Thats it and thats all.

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