Ok, i'm going to cut this short.
lol nah, not like that. But anyways, yesterday i went jogging. It was a plan of mines to have McD for lunch that day, then jog, and then give my car a wash. So when i was on my car reaching the park near my house, weird as it may be, i actually did not notice my steps, twisted my ankle and fell down. Worst part is when i have to WALK my way back with that twisted ankle. Frankly, i cant diffrentiate between "twisted" and a "spraint", all i knew was that it was very painful and i was not relieved of that pain untill now.
Only get to see a doctor this morning, would actually look for a specialists and you know, but today's a Sunday and tomorrow's a Deepavali, great, now i kinda hate holidays. So all i got was my ankle wrapped up, and now i cant use my left leg AT ALL! That actually means, i literally jumped around my house using my right leg, SIT my way up to my room on the 2nd storey etc etc.
Yeah i could seriously run, and was trained in running 2.4km often last time, and were no where behind those ah-mak and ah-pats jogging in the park as well. But the thing is, i twisted my ankle, i couldnt get my jog done. If applied to other aspects in our lives, i would actually say - complacency kills. Yes it does, you thought you're such a brilliant student and you're able to score for many subjects easily, but at the end of the day, if i'm complacent people will still take over me. So yeah, i'll be more serious in my revision for my finals now.
Don't get turned down by all the failures in your life, if you're like those ah-mak and ah-pats, one day or another if you keep trying, you'll be able to shine like the sun. Doesnt mean you're disadvantaged, say in the field of academy, means you'll be facing failures for the fucking rest of your life! Getting an academic-wise failure, doesnt mark the end of your life or a doomsday. Keep trying, stay with your pace but put in efforts bit by bit and i'm sure you WILL overtake and succeed in your life. ( BUT and BUT that doesnt mean you can be complacent! Its like Lester's First Law of Life lol, only if you applied my First Law of Life only can you applied the second one, just like Newton's haha...ha...ha -.-"" )
Yeah and did i mentioned i was a little embarassed at the park? Cuz when i was jogging my way to the park, i overtoke a guy, and when that very same guy got there, i was on the bench with my left ankle twisted and right knee injured. You have no idea how many pairs of eyes stared at me. lol. What a day. So, all my carwash plan all gone, i cant swim anymore next week and i'll get fat ( NOOOOOO ), i cant go rewatch Eagle Eye with my sis ( which is coming back tomorrow ) which i had promised her. Oh yeah did i mention my parents left me at the clinic ( fair enough, they had to rush for work ) and i drove home myself with my left ankle bandaged? Tell me i'm so amazing of a guy. LOL =D

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