Sunday, October 23, 2011

Of spring and blueberry muffins

Spring is back and the tree outside my room is blooming with leaves again. See that kettle? Its dying soon and it served me a good year =) about time I go home already.

Finished all assignments last week, and have the first examination paper coming next Tuesday. Internship's settled, flight ticket as well. Going to look for houses over the course of the holiday, buy AirAsia ticket back to Aus this holiday too, and also a concrete plan for moving our stuff to our friend's house after our exams. The same bunch of friend offered their place for us to stay for next year's house huntin' too.

Weather's pretty warm these few days. With nearly as much as 26C for Monday and Tuesday, and thank goodness it rained the next few days. Gloomy days with rain as the toppings make me happy, for some odd reason. So much for being "gloomy" eh?

I bought blueberry muffins again from Coles. They do cost a little bit too much but they taste good. Every damn thing I've bought recently has a countdown timer on them, and all of them are expected to finish by mid-Nov. Going to get a haircut this coming Tuesday because beauty comes at a price. I'm just kidding, I just don't want to be bothered by my long hair at all when I'm doing my revision. I'd like to keep it moderately short and fresh. Easier for outward diffusion of stress, you know.

Donated blood again last Thursday, saved three lives last time round around May and hoped to continue helping. Pretty glad with my health performance for year of 2011, with regular home workout ( tummy is hereby officially postponed for another year ), and weekly swimming ( and not jogging because the last time I did during end of Winter resulted in me having headache for 1 whole day ) and also very healthy meals. With fruit intake almost everyday and vege for at least one meal a day, to top it off I usually conclude the day with green tea after dinner, for three quater of the time.

Blizzcon took place yesterday, announce a new Kung Fu Panda expansion...excuse me, a new World of Warcraft expansion, a new cinematics for Diablo 3 and a very awesome teaser for Starcraft 2 : Heart of the Swarm which gave me intense nerd-boner excitement and anticipation for the game.

This year's happy meter - 82/100

Well, at least I think I'm happy, or rather every time I prompt that question to myself I'd always have "I think there's hardly anything too bad?" as my answer which is good, I guess. Cheers.

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