Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing, is when you have everything.

I shall begin this entry by declaring that the title of this post have no whatsoever relationship to said post's contents.

Anyhow, just today I've seen three different contacts of mine posting how they're feeling ill / ill for real on Facebook. 

I mean...what?

Do you really feel better off seeing 10 comments telling you 

- Take care
- Go see a doc
- Oh no...my baby please take care *insert gibberish emoticons which I never bother myself with because I'm actually THAT boring a guy*
- Stay strong sweetheart and rest more ok!

I'm not kidding, I'd roll my eyes. I'd have a good friend any time to joke to me "hmm sucks to be you, oh wells you know the usual - have more fried chickens, more carbonated drinks, stay up late at night and lay off the medication alright!"

It's like birthdays. Hence it's one of my principles to never wish people on facebook for birthdays, and if I wanted to do it, I'll make sure I spend at least 2 minutes+ trying to come up with something personalized at least. Man, what technology is doing to the society nowadays, where's the sincerity & feel in things anymore. Geez. 

Oh if you'd think karma will get to me and no one in the world will ever show compassion to me, it's ok, save it. I never needed those and never had those anyways so I'm doing fine. Wish I could snap a pic of myself flipping a middle finger haha, funny idea but whatever.

On a sidenote that'd be cool. Whatever. I'm hungry. Shit. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Could have, would have, should have told you louder. It felt just like a soft whisper of "Thank you" and I just shrugged it off. Felt a bit sorry for not making an entry regarding this matter, and time just passed by like a brush over my shoulder. 

I'm definitely one step closer, and that's a huge milestone - because I have been stagnant for a really long time and I don't know where to find the light in this sewage cross way. It's not so much of a blind crawl now, even though I don't see it I think I can feel the warmth at the end. I understand you know, I'm not the worst and I have this conscience for a reason...

I could be tiny for big reasons. 

Thank you, I'm almost ready to take on the world. 

"I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive." - Charlie, Perks of Being a Wallflower.