Friday, March 28, 2008

Boiling Point

So i'm just curious,
How'd you guys know how to annoy people so well?
You just HAVE to commit some atrocities in your life, be it intentionally or not, you just have the means to turn someone's blood to its boiling point!
What is wrong with you all? You've been spending nearly 2 decade on this third rock from the Sun and you are telling me now you have no what sort of any idea how the Earth rotates and how the society runs? You guys are horrible you know!
From not being able to diffrentiate between an insult and an advice, to not understanding the importance of giving a person the fullest convenience when you're requesting a favor off him, and unloading shit load of questions which i cannot even answer and still keep them bombarding at me despite all my effort to convey the message that "i don't know" to you, and also the stubborness and the loud tone you're using when i'm trying to explain something in a very nice manner.
GOD! C'mon! Are you all taking my kindness all too granted, and have clinched the peak that is on top of my head? Again and again i questioned myself, am i exercizing very little control over my own temper. However things such as these kept happening to me and i don't see that "bestowed" upon the rest of the population around me. So when i got all boiled up, i had to carry the blame for being too hot-tempered etc. I mean seriously, wtf?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

YouTube Awards 2007

For once, ok fine, maybe twie, i would actually take my stance here and asked that you spent at least THIRYTY minutes, viewing the following videos posted below. You will be enlightened on which of the categories the follwing videos posted below is for the youTube Awards 2007. ( Well, frankly, those below are only the ones falling under my preference.) For more info, pls check out
(ok the thing is, after some thoughts, i had all the YouTube embeded videos removed. pls surf the website stated below, trust me its very
convenient and fast there.)
-Let me borrow that top-
(as suggested, a comedy with lesbians inside, and how he went crazy about that pretty old friend of "hers" with that cute top)
-Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"-
(Harry potter...snape...snape...and pls, fellow harry potter fans, dont hold grudge against this guy who came up with this "musical")
-David Blaine Street Magic Part 3-
(well you know who David Blaine is, just that his tricks and spells are a lot more kickass now)
 - PARIS IN JAIL: The Music Video -
( You know who paris, and how she end up in jail. i think this girl here can be a better Paris, really.)
- Chris Crocker - LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! -
(I'm Mrs. Oh My God that britney shameless~you want a piece of me~i'm Mr. Oh-my-god-i-hide-under-my-blanket-and-weep-for-mrs-oh-my-god-that-britney-shameless)
- How to paint the MONA LISA with MS PAINT -
( i really had my jaws widely opened throughout the entire duratio of this clip )
- How We Met -
(fantastic, i'm bad at describing whats this video about, but, just take a look even for the first 10sec, you'll love it)
Short Film
- My Name is Lisa -
( Very very touching, this video has my no1 vote )
- Doll Face -
( pls, finish the video before you had it paused halfway and decided its a crap video. You'll find it very inspiring )
- Black Button -
  ( same as Doll Face, just pls finish the video )
- Laughing Baby -
( yes, cute, end of my comments)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Silly me, foolish me

Silly me. Foolish me.
Today is nerd day, and i didnt get the Mr.Nerd award. Next Tuesday is Inside-Out-Day, no idea how should i go about dressing that way.
Today is the assesement for Applicable Mathemetics. Guess what? i went to school without my graphic calculator. Well initially it was sorta a doomsday for me, i ran around seeking homosapiens who have this incredible machine in their posession but of course my effort was in vain, and i searched for it at only the very last minute. The paper started and i am still outside seeking for people, and 2 of my other friends actually waited for me outside. Thx, and pls do not wait for me again, ever. You have all the right in the world to be selfish and theres nothing i could do or bitch about, really.Thank god.
Out of some 5 questions, only 1 of them required that graphic calculator. Still cant have my applics teacher's stern face wiped from my minds, i was running in this damn big hall, with she standing in front, i approached her ( while the rest was obviously have all thier heads down facing their torment ) and told her i did not have that calculator with me and requested an extension, half an hour or so. 
"No, you can't. Try the paper anyways."
Well, what can i do? i aint having no other options, so i sat, and after i flipped through the paper,i had a big smile on my face. somewhat, yes. well, of course i did 3/3 of TEE Exercise and 2/3 of Creelman's Excercise, and never failed to not pay attention in class nor not finishing any of the weekly applics homework...on time. Guess all my effort was paid for. The rest of the 4 questions, i was somewhat confident with what i've written. If i'd get 80% and higher, i could really go =P on her.
Bad news - Calculas assement - 40%
Good news -  Chemistry assesement - 100%
Yes. 100% for Austrailian Matriculation in Sunway University College, 1st Assesement. Well frankly, got couple of my geek buddies got 90ish for their papers, all due to careless mistakes. Shouldn't have made those mistakes really, not worthwhile losing marks due to carelessness. I checked 3 times thoroughly. 1st time's the usual, 2nd time is when i cover my current working and workout the answer with an alternative. 3rd is when i check using the answer, and workout the information given in the quesiton ( checking terbalik, in layman's term ). My friend commented this when he saw my results, "no wonder you like chemistry"
I wish he's reading this. I did not like chemistry cuz i score in this subject, Its because i LIKE chemistry, thats why i got the motivation to work hard for it.
Well thats all for these assesements. Recently the swimming pool closed down, and i just got my swimming pass last week. You'd guess how mad i was when i've been expecting to see myself drenched and soaked in the swim pool, only to have found out the pool turned into some tortoise pond with all the (you know, EWWWWW) green moss and murky water. I demanded for reimburstment if i could not use it any sooner, and DUH, i can spare you the ending, you should kmore or less know the result.
Today, in physics lab. I am one step closer. You can see butterflies now. What a nerd of me to think that way...