Thursday, November 29, 2012

Of heat and cold feet

Got back yesterday, and Melbourne welcomed me with a stunning 39 degrees C. It's actually a darn good piece of news, that simply means Central Australia wont be any worse! Such a relieve to know that. 

Anyhow, sister's wedding is over. So many details to run through, but all in all it was very smooth and the wait for over a year and a half is finally over. Many relatives came to grace the ceremony and join us for dinner. Around 65 tables was booked for the dinner on the very same day where the groom came to picked the bride up. Gotta say it's my first time experiencing all that, alongside with 大妗公 guiding all the ceremony.

Speaking of which, of all things to go wrong, the 大妗公had forgotten to bring those tea cups over to the groom's house after the bride pick-up. Honestly we had God to thank, because just the day before this, my sister insisted that I should drive and remember the directions to my in-law's place, alongside with a funny turn of events in the morning on how I chose to get my hair done as opposed to the evening - I became the saviour of the day. Grabbed the tea cups and head right over. Took a wrong turn actually, but no matter, I just knew I had to go Puchong Jaya where all the shops are, and find CIMB bank. It's more than just mere coincidence as well, on how I talked to one of bridesmaid's husband and he mentioned CIMB bank is the landmark. Not to mention too on how the poolside party on Saturday completed with a fantastic and lovely weather, bearing in mind that the immediate days before and after the party had heavy downpour in the evenings. 

Me thinks this had everything to do with my awesome earth dragon luck =P. Sis mentioned this year is the dragon of the water element, and it's a tough year for a lot of people because according to feng shui, it's the most powerful one amongst all the permutation of chinese horoscopes and the 5 elements. I reign supreme! Anyhow we definitely have God to thank, for all the blessing and smooth sailing he had bestowed upon us. 

Dinner was hectic too because I had to count all the ang pao and make the payment. A lot of responsibility was placed onto my care, but given that I had ample time to get accustomed to it prior to the arrival of the day, I think I managed them pretty well =). 

Got back yesterday noon and boy, was that some serious travelling that took up so much time. No matter, GOLDCOAST tomorrow!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Every now and then I get recorded on videos and upon watching them, they really do bring back unpleasant memories. 

Some parts of the old me that I try so hard to sometimes shake it off is clearly still clinging onto me, and only by a third party observation could I be reminded the existence of it. 

I don't usually say this - but I hate myself sometimes. I couldn't even bare the sight of myself in the clip, let alone finishing the video. 

Guess I don't mind moulting my skin sometimes,  because so long the old skins are on the recalling of laughters and jeering will always come back to me. Guess I am really born of the year of reptiles, dragon and snake. 

All those condescending looks, no more of it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Not sure how it would pan out for others, but the time when I feel closest to myself is when I look into my own eyes in front of the mirror. That is when I truly feel like who I am suppose to be and who I want to be. 

Every now and then I unintentionally commit actions that would deviate from my supposed pathway, and at the end of the day when I looked into the mirror I just hope there is a way that...I could somehow let them know that I'm sorry and I didn't mean to do that. Often the next morning pride would overshadow my being and it's what we call "moving on". It may seemed like the most normal things but it just feels like if I don't at least reflect on it I'll become worse. 

It can be the tiniest matter but it matters. Like how I ignore a friend's question just because I was just too lazy to respond to it; or not acknowledging someone's effort for trying when I clearly noticed it at the farthest corner of my eye; or not trying to keep everyone entertained because I'm selfish and I couldn't be bothered, and perhaps thinking "it's not my problem".

That...and on contrary to what everyone thinks about me - I'm actually very afraid of trying. Because I've always known too well on how to protect my own heart, that I've tucked a lot of feelings away. A dish is best served warm, but often I'd force myself to take the cold one so I will never have to risk getting a burn, and in return the flavour is never quite there. 

Ah anyway  past 2 days have been a cheerful one. Joy, and how it can be uncovered in the simplest things in life. Now for some quality time with myself. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


If all bodes well, I've gotta say -


I know, I know, you'd probably go yeah yeah whatever but hey, no hating on the goodies kay? Gotta say most of the events that took place this last semester has been rather smooth and I'm truly grateful for the smooth sail this semester. 

The Design Project is definitely one to name. It's rare to have 6 people gathering together on a Friday munching on biscuits and chatting about all the irrelevant stuffs when we have a due date coming up. No stress no fightin' no hatin'. Definitely one to remember, and I sure look forward to the pool party.

All the trips will be trippin' all over my calender as well the moment I start flying back for my sis's wedding. Gold Coast, Tasmania and Central Australia. Oh, just the thought of em' gets my spirit floatin' a little. Besides, had a great time past exam on Tues, although I did have a hard time recovering from a little overdose of alcohol (I have to admit, I'm out of practice and it's probably the excessive green tea I had on a daily basis), but it was all good and fun. Ate good food, had a great time in the outdoors and just doing things without worrying, it's like Sydney all over again and I like the vibe in it. The care-freeness. 

So that's it to the academic chapters of my life, and I think I deserve half a page of utter blankness in the book after the last sentence summing up that chapter. Until the next page which reveals the next chapter, I'll live my life the way I promised myself many many years ago, dwell in life's happiness like wedding ( it's finally hitting me that my sister is INDEED getting maried end of this month! ) and bring myself to all the adventures waiting for me!