Sunday, November 6, 2011

just another day

It is. Maybe that's how the world seemed like when you lock yourself in your room for an extended amount of time, where the sky and the trees is what you see only from that tiny window frame from inside the room. You can say its as if I'm the frog in the well, but that's if you choose to see it that way. Things just seem to be pretty much the same from the same point of view. The unchanging world, where I would sometimes just take a minute break from my studies and sort of just stare into the outside scenery and let my mind go blank for a minute. It's a good view really, all I see are trees and grass and the blue blue skies, not even a hint of civilization (pavements, roofs whatsoever).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting up a fit with how boring my life is. Its just how calm things are, if you just sort of close your eyes or tuck yourself away to some desolated place for a period of time. Rid yourself from the newspaper, of the war going around, of the politics and all its atrocities, and all the catastrophic disasters befalling on mankind. 

"Ignorance is a bliss"


Thursday, November 3, 2011



今天呢,就完成了另一张考试卷子, 可能是因为下一张考卷是在下周星期二,感觉上就好像还有挺多时间的呢。那也避免不了,难得辛苦了一阵子,有时也得疼自己一下。人家也有说吗,正所谓“休息就是为了走更长远的路“,有时候我的脑袋也真的不能承受这么多的压力和熬煎,也得坐下来,对着电脑放空一下。

既然在考试的话题, 那就得说说第一份考卷。我也倒是觉得有失望。就。。。令场表现可以差得这么样吗?就有一个题目我中途中就困住了,那只好把它丢下先, 赶快完成其他的题目。那题呢,到最后我有总共差不多四十分钟呢。 我想也想不到,堂堂一个十几年的读书生,就连那一行字也没读到。那题目里关键的一行字,我保证你,我可以五分钟内完成他。唉,天真的是有不测风云,我偏偏就在最后那一分钟看到。哇塞,你可以想象我那时可真有多不甘愿。 我明明整份卷子可以胸有成竹的把它完成,还闭门念书。搞得我差点走火入魔,就为了那个HD.




有时候,还真的不知道自己可以撑到几时。那些创伤的呐喊,就每天这样埋在自己的心坎里,每天都告诉自己“我还能撑多一天!”。奇怪的是我也没有要日夜有人分担这负担,反而很坚持的觉得这毕竟是我的私事。 但众多人当中,也得感谢(只有)一位,能够聆听我的哭诉, 能够彻底的了解我的心情。就这么一次,就很足够了。 我觉得我对我人生,打从心里,也没什么抱怨了。