Monday, December 12, 2011


Woke up from a what seems like a lifetime in a dream
Opened my eyes and stared into stranger surroundings
Conscience are like drug injections
Killing my o' fairy land 
in my dearest memories

When all but seems ash of my dreamories
Stood still a residual of it
a light so tiny but never-fading in this pitch black warzone

Sands of time all but eroding that light as we speak
but still hung a glimpse of that precious dream
still so clear in thy eyes until me arms are around it
and here it is -

That blue ink pen drawing on a tiny foolscap paper
with funny triangle shapes and circles 
and a kindergarten sun in the middle of it all
tucked into the safest corner of my wallet
without my knowing
without my awareness
when I fell asleep on you
because I know I'm safest around you

This moment reality is at full gauge
This moment reality is my lens that filter my sight
but that slip of paper will forever resides in me
that uncontested memory of your drawing 
that is so... YOU
 will remind me that you still care
and your voice echoed

"It's ok" 

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