Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I must admit, I did my part and stayed up till late since 6pm to when BN wins the simple majority. I must admit, I got worked up by the results and allowed the outcome get to me. 

I obviously cannot remember when's the last time I walked or travelled anywhere with a frowning face. Its against my principle to do so, more so when it's somewhat my resolution to treat everyone fair and square, and that includes a blur indonesian worker. So even to a foreigner working as a waiter in a restaurant, I'll still have to say "Thank you" or "Boleh- " if I were to request for something - hell, even in the worse mood I must at least manage a "hmm" kinda neutral smile. 

I was largely unhappy due to all the negativity on Facebook after the election results was announced. I was somewhat influenced by it too. We actually won, people just didn't realize it. We've secured Selangor and defeated MCA for the least, and to be honest I can see a Malaysian Malaysia. No offence, but especially when Malaysians stood united to identify phantom voters. I gotta say it's somewhat cool. Of course what came after the results were comments from ministers and our PM which made our eyes go rolling. Sigh, they never change. They're all cowed. 

Anyways its great too seeing people of all races identifying themselves as Malaysian, and they stressed a lot on Malaysian vs Corruption rather than races vs races. Oh, include foreigners (you name it) in the race stand-off too. Anyways I'm over those bullshits.

So back to the main topic, I somewhat lost my cool and were a tad unfriendly in the restaurants today during lunch. I must admit I did give the "so fuckin' useless" look to the uncle which sat there being all so free and easy, and I had to walk over and help myself with the menu right next to the uncle when we've already been long seated. That and shortly afterwards I saw another display of rudeness to the restaurant's staff, and I snapped out of the whirlpool of despair and hatred. My bad on that, but I did recover eventually. Tendency of mistreatment lingers on a person stronger than a durian on your fingers after a feast, but act of kindness are usually taken for granted; and it's something that really puts a person's patience and perseverance to a test. People tend to give up on being kind to one another way way faster than stopping the jog after the initial 500m. It's sad. 

We're taking baby steps towards a better country but they're progress nonetheless. It's a tiny step to a big change. Anyhow, I had McD just now for dinner, did a thorough facial cleaning completed with 3-in-1 scrub-mask. Washed up, looked in front of the mirror, gave my best smile and my best attempt at uhh...charming myself. Trust me, we all DO IT DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME! Flexed my muscle a bit, admire the naturally form muscle on my chest and my abs which I spent QUITE a bit of effort. Thought about the impressive high muscle count and all the other way-too-good (the doc said so!) statistics about my body, and suddenly I'm a happy man all over again. 

Guess that is all, interview coming on Wed. Yeah.

Note: I may look skinny but muscle count is not all about biceps and chest muscles. A considerable amount of muscles are actually in our organs, and that actually dictates true health. I'm obsessed over health, mom said the other day we should opt for a smaller rice pot because everyone in the family is afraid as hell to die and is consuming too little rice. I lol'd. So true. 

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