Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bloody hell!

So yesterday was all the feminine colour, today's texts will all be coloured in bloody red! BLOODY HELL!
Since we're on the same topic as blood, and since thats somewhat related to hospitals and medical departments, i just went visitng my grandma in ICU ( and its in Subang Hospital which has a case of H1N1 there LOL ) and its pretty painful to see her current state of suffering. =( I pray for God's blessing on her.
Anyways, my Monash campus has some blood donation drive going on for days, for god know what reason im just plain reluctant to donate my blood this time round. I donated twice tho during my pre-U courses, and guess what, my blood type is
so i shd probably donate all the more. People were bugging me all the time anyways, screw them haha. I did saw some horrible nurses' bad needle "POKING" untill my friend's arm is bleeding with blood, and another in a terrible state and is struggling to stay conscious ( thats probably due to his body mechanism and not the nurse haha). Some people are just not suited to donate blood, no offense.
Like my sister, they would have serious dizziness. Either that, or their arm's skin is so thick that the nurses always have a problem locating the veins and start the extraction of blood. EXTRACTION....lol sounds like a scary word.  Well anyways, back on the same topic, so i was telling myself "damn i was right to not donate blood, who knows i might end up like him with blood leaking out from my arm".
Here comes the miraculos part, i've gotta admit im not very much a Christian but i believe in God and faith and all that. Turns out that, one of my cousin fell ill, and its a serious case of Aedes, and according to my dad his blood pressure is low and might need external blood supply.
That is the hint! That is totally why for all reason, a generous blood donater *clears throat* like me would even refuse to donate my blood in such a opportunistic occasion! I got a feeling God is somewhat planning this all along. Sounds pretty ridiculos right? You could think that way but the least im thinking the other way haha, its pretty cool also if you couldnt accept that. So yeah, just a thought, and i think sometimes something happens for some reason.
Well i guess i should cut short on this blog, because im guessing your eyes must be BLEEDING by now trying to read all these brightly coloured text with a black background haha. So yeah thats all, laters people.

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