Sunday, June 21, 2009

Me and Myself

So its a pretty awful morning, just take a look at the time. 3.50am and i still cant sleep, all due to the fact i had an afternoon nap AND coffee for dinner. Way to go Lester...way to go. So while i was trying to sleep just now, my doppelgangers started chatting...
Dumb Lester: "Oh dear, its kinda bright...even though its at night!"
Smart Lester: "Oh please, your eye's pupil dilates when there is less light intake into your eyes, dont you remember your high school stuffs you dumbass"
Dumb Lester: "You dont have to be that offensive right, i mean even our eyes dilates, its still considerably bright, and i could even determine the colour of my blanket"
Smart Lester: "Sweet Jesus, you know, your neighbours DO turn on some of their lights at their backyards, and lights reflect? Hello? Come on?"
Dumb Lester: "Still, it hasnt has to be THAT bright right?"
Smart Lester: "How about the moonlight, you smart fool?"
Dumb Lester: "Right...that too. So what? You really dont have to be that bossy right, we can be nice cant we."
Smart Lester: "Yeah obviously we could, untill you start bombarding me with all the Nerdgrenades. If the one day you're smart, no one else in the world would ever be dumb."
Dumb Lester: "Wow, with all due respect i think you should keep those comments to yourself"
Smart Lester: "Oh yea, what if i choose to keep making noises. LALALALALLALAALALA........"
Dumb Lester: "...."
Smart Lester: "...."
At this instance both doppelgangers have their hand grasped around their own neck, and struggling to utter even a word.
Lester: "Yes i muted the both of you, now let me sleep."

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