Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chasing and Running.

Life is about chasing things. Chasing your dreams, chasing your wants, chasing your girlfriend. Its also about running away from things. Running away from reality, running away from fears, and running away from what makes you...stop chasing what you're chasing.
Often we chase things like a tiger. Beautiful sentiments that we thought it would define who we are, materials that would only give you only a brief moment of joy and satisfaction. Many times the tiger would stop and turn around, and both you and the tiger would pause for a minute. That very instance, then you would realized what terror and horror is installed in the thing you are always chasing.
You ran.
That was of course the better scenario, worst would be you having caught the tiger and the both of you fell off the cliff.
Do we want that?
Do you want that?
Do I want that?
I was often told, and taught to do self-reflection a lot during my secondary school years, and i have to thank the teachers actually for giving me a good moral upbringing, although some of the teachers prove to be a bitch sometimes haha. I usually dont pay attention to what teachers say usually, but some lessons theyre tying to conduct in a midst of chaos in the class, sometimes my radar would just pick them up and store them down in my un-overideable hardrive.
We were babies in a sea of toys, and we still are. So sometimes i guess its good to think about what we really want in life. But how else can we think straight when we are in a sea of toys with temptations reaching out to you and sticking onto you like black tar? Holidays. Or rather a period time when you are relieved of all these fucking toys. So this is a good time to reflect, whether do we really want that tiger, or not?
So let the tiger run. Let something you've grasped too hard in your your hand. "You can be mad as a mad dog, but when the time's up, you have to let go." Quoted from the movie Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, or maybe something along that line. So sometimes i guess we just have to let something go, and let out that sigh of relief.
We have only ten fingers, two hands, one mind.
How else can we hold on to more things, if we dont let some go?

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