Sunday, February 1, 2009

J One Camera!

So its been almost a month full since i last worked in my dad's shop, and previously it were my parents who were running a 2 man-show. Now that my mom's on a break, so i toke over and...yeah its been a month since i last worked haha.
Learnt a lot tho, and feeling a little proud of myself haha simply because now i can easily handle 80% of the stuffs in the shop. Well initially i faced a lot hardship, for my father had dwelled in the photography and camera servicing industry for a bare minimum of 30 years, and I myself which have like only 6.37% ( it is THAT precise! mind you! ) interest in camera. So you could probably guessed how badly i have had gotten bullied by customers at first.
Well seriously, how would you see someone without any knowledge in cameras and photography and yet doing camera retails? WHAT A LOSER! So me being incited by all these people casting all these eyes on me, i went learning photography!...from my dad. Turns out ok and i've basically mastered many of the basics. Alright my turn to bully you customers back!
It was really quite an experience working, you'll meet the worst assholes in the world that you want to attach a heavy DSLR camera to a monopod and start smashing his head, and also the most unreasonably obnoxious people in the world. Not to mention also the most understanding people in the world and those with immense patience when comes to waiting their turn to be served. Least i've personally experienced them myself,  and learnt to handle them.
Just recently, a customer came with a camera branded Richo or something ( seriously, WHAT in the world is that brand? no offense haha ) and asked whether i sell the battery or whatever i could not recall. I double checked the brand with them simple because i mistaken it as NIKKOR ( they sounded almost similar, but Nikkor is only applicable for NIKON LENS, which was why i was wondering why would he mention NIKKOR for a camera body ). Guess what? He exclaimed "Richo also never heard before?!" and shooked his head in dissapointment and walked away. HELL WHAT WAS THAT? Nikon Canon are the leading brands, few others are Olympus Sony Panasonic and Casio. Hell thats why i never heard of that brand! Guess thats why i started another blog entry! haha
Also few other things i hated to deal with :
1) I would regard our shop selling the CHEAPEST nikon DSLR cameras in the whole of Kuala Lumpur ( except another one competitor of ours and i would leave you to guess it ), and we would definitely have to charge that at cash price. Credit charges would be applied simply because the bank is charging us, and we would have to charge YOU because our cameras are already at a very cheap price. Funny thing is sometimes no matter how hard we tried to explain to them, they're stubborn with it and insist we waive the credit card charges for them. Next thing i would usually tell them is "would you rather me to have the initial price stated to be inclusive of credit card charges?"
2) Discounts discounts and discounts. Yes i totally understood that but i cant understand why you could spend **half an hour** trying to haggle prices, or asking for a RM 300.00 discount for an item costing about RM1000.00. Look, i have trouble even giving you a RM10 discount. Again and again we always straight away give one discounted price and stick with it ( stays the same for every customer ), its easy for you and easy for me, save all the saliva. Some always still insist on discount, they would just be better off happier to see that the price dropped a little. Well usually after i hit my boiling point, i would usually question them "would you rather me to put a VERY high price and let you haggle the hell of it, or a straight away BEST PRICE we could give?". And seriously, the more haggle you ask for, the more we know about your expertise in cameras and your awareness of the current market price in KL =P .
3) Customers that treats me like a waiter, im not a customer servicemen and i could only serve you 80% of what im capable of, we're VERY busy peoples ( although sometimes you could still catch me sitting back listening to iPod and stares at you HAHA ).
4) Window shoppers. "Hey i want to test that Coolpix S520"..."Hey i want to test with memory card"..."Hey i want to test both P80 and P60"..."Hey i want to test both with memory card"..."Hey teach me how to take picture"..."Hey what are all these functions for?"..."Hey what is the exact diffrence between these two models?"..."Hey i want to test with this same camera with diffrent colour"..."Hey i want you to teach me how to take good pictures at wedding nights"..."Hey i want to try the camera just now again"..."Hey i dont think i want to buy, thank you"
HEY, FUCK YOU! Well but seriously, usually i wont last untill the 5th question. Over time i have developed these eagle eyes to diffrentiate window shoppers out from customers with intention of buying. This is not a Padini Concept Store, even if it is, they have a limit on the shirts you can try as well.
5) This is one question i hated to hear the most. "Are your Nikon branded cameras and lens original?" Although 10 out of 10 times i would answer with a soft tone of voice assuring its original and comes with a 1 year guarantee, any doubts you can visit Nikon Malaysia Headquaters which is less than 5minute drive ( including time spent on parking ) in PKNS Tower which is just around the corner. STILL, deep down i felt a little insulted when i hear people asking these. URGHHH!
So yeah guess thats all, i've had my bitching sessions. What a relieve to vent all my anger out~ phew!

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